Chapter 3- Another End

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I sat up, breathing heavily. I was in some sort of Dojo, with Rudy, Braden, Jack, and Jerry hovering over me. There was a hot rag on my forehead and a really skinny, nerd-looking, red headed boy walking into the Dojo. "Milton, She's up." Jack Informed Milton. I looked at them confused. "What Happened?"

"It happened again Alex" Braden knelt down beside me and helped me up. 

"Now... What is it that just happened again?" Rudy asked, his hands on his hips. Looking at me carefully as I stood up. 

"It's a panic-like shock she goes into. Like a seizure, but instead she turns really white and starts turn really cold" Braden started. "She never remembers what happens when it happens. She doesn't even know she has these. I Just call it 'Sleep Shock' because she ends up panicking while in this state." 

I looked up confused again, what in the world was Braden talking about? I looked over at Jack and he looked sorta... Scared, but when I looked over at him, his cheeks turned red and he turned away. "This is a really neat Dojo" I mumbled, walking over to one of the dummies. I put my fists up and I launched a Spinning Roundhouse kick, knocking the Dummie's head off. 

"How did you do that?" Jack walked up to me, looking really impressed. 

"I've studdied Jiu Jitsu for 4 years, Tae Kwon Do for 3 years, and Shen Hao Lin for 8 years." I said quietly. I took the classes in secret, so I could defend myself from my dad. I looked down, looking at my military boots. I felt Jack put his hands on my shoulders. "Alex, why are you so nervous? What you did was amazing" Jack spoke softly, Lifting my head up with his hand. I quickly turned away. 

"Why do you do that Alex?" Jack questioned. I didn't wanna tell them that my father beat me, because they would treat me differently. I looked over at the Rock Wall, Looking how high it went. I looked around even more, I saw the second floor, which was probably Rudy's office. 

"Because I don't have my charm doll...." I winced at what I had just said, I know that everyone thought the charm doll was stupid, but I thought it really helped me. I stepped back, bumping into Braden. I quickly turned around, looking up at him. He smiled. "Looking for this?" He held out my small charm doll and put it in my hands. I attached it to my belt, hugging him immediately afterward. I looked back, and everyone was smiling... Even the little Milton dude.

The Karate Dojo (Leo Howard/Jack Brewer FanFiction) [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu