“If you get your big butt off of me.” I grumbled.

He got off of me, laughing again and walked out of my room.

I stood up, groaning and mumbling under my breath and walked over to my door and closed it.

“Wear your bathing suit!” Harry called from the living room.

My bathing suit? I rubbed my eyes just imagining what Harry had in store for me.

I showered, getting ready for the day and partially blow dried my hair, only to pull it back into a pony tail.

I pulled the black two-piece out of my dresser and put it on, only to examine myself in the full length mirror.

I didn’t look fat.

But I looked fatter than I did.

The lines between my ribs were starting to fill in and my breasts looked slightly larger.

I turned to the side to notice that my stomach was no longer concave, but just a usual flat.

I felt disgusting. I knew that I had put on at least five pounds just by eating normally.

It felt like I had a huge parasite that was wrapped all around me and I wanted to get rid of it, I NEEDED to get rid of it.

“No.” I said, turning around and walking back towards my closet. I wasn’t going to do this today.

I slipped on a pair of neon shorts, followed by a black tank top.

I walked out of my room to where Harry was sat on the couch, typing away at his Blackberry. He had a white pair of swim trunks on that led up to his Ramones t-shirt and he sent me a big grin, pulling himself up and toward me.

“You look stunning.” He smiled, planting a light kiss on the top of my head.

“Where are we going?” I inquired.

“No questions.” He said grinning evilly. “Just get in the car.”

We both piled into his Range Rover and ended up going on what was an extremely long car ride.
We were going down twisted roads, lined with trees while The Temper Trap blared through the stereo and Harry sung along.

“We’re here.” He smiled through his sunglasses as he parked in a isolated area, surrounded by trees.

I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed. “Are you sure?”

“Positive” He said shooting a smile at me and opening his door. He unloaded a couple bags out of the back and then met me at the front of the car, where I could hear the sound of water. “This way.”

It's All Down The Drain (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now