Heather nodded and walked off, leaving me alone with a psychopath. He reached into his back pocket and pulled up a string of rope which he easily used to tie my hands to the chair behind my back.

I fought back, tried to wrench my arms free and kick him in the balls, but it was to no use.

Straightening up, he narrowed his eyes and before I had time to react he raised his arm and slapped me hard across the face. This time I did whimper, because the ring on one of his fingers hit me over my cheekbone.

I felt warm liquid start trailing down my face and tears of pain welled up behind my eyelids. "Please," I begged.

Cole shook his head and opened his mouth to say something, but Heather returned with one of Harry's bandanas which he must've left behind. She walked over to me and leaned over to cover up my mouth.

As she fastened it behind my head, she quietly whispered in my ear. "Just go with what he says and this will be over so much faster."

She stood back and admired her work before she turned to Cole with a raised eyebrow. "Now what?"

Cole held up his phone. "I think we should record this, otherwise it would be no fun. Imagine the look on Harry's face when we show this to him later."

I tried to scream, but it came out muffled. They wouldn't dare touch him. I'd rather die a thousand times over than knowing he would get hurt.

"Stop, you're just wasting your energy," Heather giggled and placed the phone on the counter so that it was standing up on its side, the camera facing me.

She leaned in and waved into the lens. "Hi Harry! I really, really hope you're doing well. Because you won't be once you've seen this!"

I squeezed my eyes shut and a few tears escaped. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"You know, Ella, I have come up with a few things I'd like to do to you. But I think it's only fair that the ladies go first," Cole smirked and gestured towards Heather.

She nodded excitedly and bounced up and down like a kid in a candy store.

"I'll give you a minute," Cole said and disappeared from the kitchen.

Heather smiled and pulled out a chair from the table. Placing it in front of me, she sat down. "You know, from the moment I laid eyes on you I could tell you were a real prude. I mean, look at you! You think you're so much better than everyone else."

I shook my head furiously, feeling like Heather was the better chance to get out of this mess. If I could only convince her Cole was a maniac.

She huffed. "You have your perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect body. All the boys always crawling at your feet. Was it hard? Having both Adam and Harry fussing over you? Did you have a hard time choosing between them, hm? You fucking bitch!"

Heather leaned closer and spat in my face. I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut, my tears mixing with the blood and her saliva.

"Open you fucking eyes," she seethed. "You took Harry from me and you basically made me lose my job. And to top it all off, when I finally managed to get my hands on somethings of yours; he decides to dump me once he found out about my background. So guess what?" she held her hands up in the air and looked patiently at me.

Did she really expect an answer? I only continued to shake my head.

"I blame it all on you."

Still shaking my head, but with much less force, I felt more tears trail down my cheeks.

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