Sooo Hi

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"Hi Peter." I waved at him. Peter had
Shoulder length silver hair. He was wearing a rock band T-shirt and jean pants. On top of his head were some kind of goggles.

"Hey. I'm hungry, I'll see you at lunch." Peter said, before I could even blink Peter was gone. Jean shook her head as if to say typical.

Jean led us to the cafeteria. We got some lunch and had sat at a table with Peter, a boy with glasses on, and a girl with a white Mohawk.

I sat down next to Jean, who sat across from the boy with glasses and next to the girl with the white Mohawk.

"Ororo, this is Wren, Wren this is Ororo." Jean nodded at the girl with the white Mohawk. "And this is Scott, Scott, meet Wren, a new student." The boy with the glasses smiled.

"So you're the student Warren knocked out the air, and decided to save, and bring to this school." Scott said.

"Speaking of Warren..." Ororo said. Warren came in and sat down next to Peter, Peter was in front of me to the right of me, and the open seat just so happen to be to the left of Peter.

Warren sat down right in front of me. I expected him to talk but he was silent. "Hey buddy." Peter turned to Warren.

"Hey." I thought it was someone else but I saw Warren say it. His voice.... Just wow.

Jean laughed beside me. I glanced at her and raised a eyebrow. "What's funny?"

"Telepath, I can read your thoughts." She said to me. Oh my God.

I turn away from Jean and face the person in front of me, Warren. "Sooo hi." I said awkwardly to him.

"Hi?" Warren raised a eyebrow but smiled. He smiled.

"So you're the one who brought me to this school?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that's me." Warren nods. Jean wasn't joking when she said he was quiet, even when he talked he had a quiet voice.

"I wanted to thank you for bringing me here." I say to him.

"You're welcome." Warren's wings were spread out behind him. I knew why, I tried sitting down on my bed in the dorm with my wings folded but I couldn't, I had to spread them behind me. Students were starting at Warren, not at Warren, but mostly his wings, as if they were scared of them.

"I'm going to go back to my dorm." Ororo said. She stood up and walked away. "Me too." Scott nodded in agreement.

"Are you coming Wren?" Jean asked me. I had finished eating my food a while ago, and I guess Jean had to.

"Yeah, bye Warren." I stood up, Warren waved goodbye as we walked away.

"You like Warren." Jean said as we entered our dorm. Ororo sat on her bed, doing homework.

"I don't, can some one not acknowledge how nice a persons voice is without liking them?" I shrugged.

"It's not common." Jean laughed at me as she sat on her bed.

"Well, I don't like Warren, I just met him, and I just want to be friends with him, he did bring me to this lovely school." I told Jean.

"Just wait for it..." Ororo looked up from her work, a smirk on her face.
"You like Warren...."

Do I?

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