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   Agony, pure agony. I screamed in pain, I screamed so loud I thought I broke glass. Bones shot out of my back growing long, black feathers began covering the bone. I felt lifeless, I fell over on the floor, my new wings spread out on the floor. I looked around, my mom, terrified, backed away screaming. I pushed myself up and stood slowly. My wings folded in close to me. My dad looked full of frustration, he held a gun in his hand.

   I shielded my body with my wings. I heard the gun fire. I ducked, I heard the bullet whistle over my head.

   I turned around, the back door leading outside behind me. I kicked it down, it splintered into pieces. My dad shouted behind me.

   I jumped out the door just as my dad fired the gun. I knew how to use my wings, I began flapping my wings furiously, trying to gain speed. I lifted off the ground and flew away.

   Clouds floated only a few hundred feet above me. Bird soared lower below me. I had gotten a burst of speed but I grew tired. Everything seemed fine now. Far off in the distance I saw some kind of mansion, it must have been a school cause kids around my age were relaxing outside.

   I wasn't paying attention, I didn't notice the much larger figure flying at me. It hit me right in the face with it's wings, the hit was so strong it nocked me out. And before I knew I was falling hundreds of feet.

  Even being knocked out I felt the air rushing around me, but it suddenly stopped. I heard the beat of.... What was that.... Metal? "I got to get help..." A voice said quietly.

   I woke up. Everything was white around me. A man with glasses stood beside me. "You're awake." The man smiled. Is this a lab, am I being experimented on?  I sat up, my wings dragging across the medical table I was lying on. Is this going to be hell? It was some kind of lab, all kinds of tools scattered on desktops. The man with the glasses had walked away, he was now talking to a bold man in a wheelchair.

  "Excuse me, what are you going to do with me?" I asked a little loudly. "You're not going to hurt me?" The two men look at me.

   "No, we're not going to hurt you Wren, we're here to help you." The man in the wheelchair said. He knows my dang name! I must have looked shocked.

   "I'm a mutant, a telepath." The man pointed to his head.

   "How did I get here?" I furrow my eyebrows. I turn sideways so my legs hang over the side of the table.

   "One of the students, Warren brought you here." The man with glasses pointed to the wall behind me.

   I glance over my shoulder. A boy around my age leaned against the wall. He had the most magnificent metal wings. His blond hair was curly and almost covered his eyes. But what fascinated me the most was the tattoos he had on his face. Wow.


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