Chapie 2

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"Lucas?," I gasped, surprised.

"So you seem to go to Harvard High, too," he said in his cool- guy voice.

He laid his back against the wall,"Is it just me or is it hot in here?"

I giggled then blush.

A girl, a few years younger than us, walked past by Lucas. He stuck his leg out and tripped her.

She yelled and fell to the ground,"Meanie!"

I gasped.

I ran to help her up, but Lucas stopped me,"She can stand up on her own."

The girl slowly stood up and walked to class, limping.

I felt really bad for her, but I couldn't do anything.

Wait, class!

I'm late for class!

"Can you show me where the Science Class is? My friend said it was on Hallway B, but I still couldn't find it," I said, quickly.

"Oh, Science Class," Lucas said,"Of course I'll show you, Princess."

I blushed again.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

He led the way.

When we finally got there, he opened the door and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed dark red.

As I was about to ask what class he had first, but he just disappeared. I walked into the room.

My science teacher was teaching about "Atoms".

I walked in and everyone looked at me.

"Miss, you are late 30 minutes," he said to me,"Take a seat."

I toke a seat next to a random guy with Chocolate hair and emerald eyes.

As I was unpacking my stuff, a voice whispered,"Nicole?"

I turned around,"How do you know my name?"

Before he could answer, I knew who he was, MITCHELL!

"Hi," I whispered, making sure the teacher didn't see us.

"Oh and here. I wanted to give this to someone special but I didn't know who, so I will give it to you," Mitchell said, handing me a Lavander phone case.

My favorite color!

How did he know?

I grinned and blushed taking it and putting it in my backpack.

All of a sudden, a boy raised his hand, looking at me.

Oh no! Did he see us talking?

I gulped as the teacher called on him,"Yes, Davis?"

He pointed to me,"Since she missed part of the lesson, shouldn't someone teach her?"

I calmed down, at least I wasn't in trouble.

"Your right Tim! Who wants to help Nicole?," the teacher asked.

Everyone's hand shot up.

Everyone's except Mitchell.

I sighed, he probably didn't have the same feelings for me.

Mitchell's P.O.V

I sighed, I really wanted to raise my hand and be chosen. But then she will know that I like her.

I shuffled through my hair, nervous on who the science teacher would pick.

"Since Mitchell didn't raise his hand, he will help Nicole," the teacher said with an evil grin.

I gulped, Uh oh.

Nicole turned her head at me and smiled.

I tried to smile back at her, but it wasn't perfect.

She blushed.

Wow, she did that a lot when she was around me.

Maybe she... Liked.... Me!

Stop thinking about that Mitchell! That would never happen!

"So you two can go to a quiet classroom and study. When the bell rings, go ahead and proceed to the cafeteria," the teacher said, smiling.

We both nodded and went a quiet classroom.

"Out teacher looks like an older version of you," Nicole whispered to me.

"He's my dad," I said, how did she figure that out?

"I though so!," Nicole said, with her arms in her chest.

I laughed.

"What about this classroom?," Nicole asked opening the door to a dark room.

I waved my arm,"I really don't care, as long as I'm with you."

Wait, what?

Did I just say, what I think I said?

Nicole blushed and giggled,"I feel the same way."

She felt the same way!!!

"You do?," I said.

She nodded.

She held my hand as we walked into the room.

Her hand was soft and warm.

I smiled and leaned in close into her and kiss-

"Hey, stay away from my girl!," a voice said.

Nicole hugged me, for she was scared too.


Cliffhanger! Vote, comment, and share it! Thanks! Oh and any ship names? I'll give you credit!

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