"Ancient tradition. Never tell a potential Angel they may be an Angel."

"That's a stupid rule. There's no reason behind it!"

"Yes there is. Think about it, if we told you that you were an Angel and you never developed your powers, wouldn't you be disappointed? Also, the vampires had a lot to do with it. The head of the Calorio family forbid anyone from from even mentioning anything to you. It's also a superstition that if we would've told you before the change we could've been cursed. I don't know if it's true or not, but why risk it? Especially if you're afraid a vampire could come after you for going against their wishes."

The head of the Calorio family? Wasn't that Dario's father? What did he have to do with whether or not I was told I was an Angel? At least now I know why Dario was so serious about not telling me anything. Speaking of Dario, wasn't his newest nickname for me Angel? Oh, how clever of him.

"Anyway, how do you feel?" Elridge asked as if he told someone they were an Angel everyday.

"A little dizzy," I said. "And confused. Dario's never said anything about Angels before. I didn't know they were mythical creatures. I mean, there isn't any other Angels in this school, is there?"

"No, and that's because as of right now you are the only Angel in existence. There is only ever one angel on Earth at a time. Long ago your great ancestor Lilianna was an Angel. She is the one who helped the humans take control of your country."

"So that's why those witches hated me? My ancestor, who was an angel, stole their country?"

"No. The witches were horribly cruel to the humans. Lilianna was able to help the humans end the witches reign of terror. The group of witches and wizards that attacked you clearly don't know their facts. That and they're crazy. Stealing human's magic to use as their own, just completely ridiculous and cruel."

I had to think about that one. So, my great ancestor, Lilianna, was kind of like a hero? And now I had her power? No pressure or anything.

I looked around the hospital and realized I was the only one in here. Where was Lilia? And all of the other humans who were attacked? Did they...die? Oh no, I hope not.

"Where's Lilia and everyone?" I asked gesturing around me. I didn't look at Elridge, I was afraid I may see the answer on his face.

"They're fine," Elridge said and I looked at him surprised. "Dario and Humphrey were able to find the object their magic was being held in. Then Magius was able to return the human's magic back to them. So, they're all safe and sound."

I let out a sigh of relief. Lilia was safe. They were all safe. Now I could ask something else that has been bothering me. "What kind of powers do I have?" I asked. Oh like no one else would want to know that right away too. I'm only human, well, at least I was.

"Angels have all powers from all mythical creatures. You can be a mermaid, you have excellent tracking skills like werewolves, self-defense like vampires and demons, and you have extraordinary magic."

"Really? I can do all of that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well as of right now, no," Elridge said. "You'll be able to though, with a lot of training. Which brings me to my next topic I need to talk about. You're going to have to be a part of the Diamond Class next year."

"What? Why?"

"Because you need to learn how to control your power. And you need to learn the history of your people, meaning the other mythical creatures."

"But, I'm the only Angel. I'd be in classes by myself," I said. "Or are you going to throw me into Fairy History because I have their power?"

"Krail and I agree it would be better for you in my class. We aren't exactly sure what classes you will be in yet, but no, you won't be by yourself. Is there a reason you don't want to be in the Diamond Class?"

"Yeah. I'm in the Ruby class so I can train to be queen. I won't really get that in your class. Also, I'll miss my roommates. And will I have to start over as a first year? Because that would suck."

"No, you'd be in second year. And we still offer How to Run a Country in the Diamond Class. It's up to you for what you want to do of course."

I thought about it for a minute. Elridge was probably right, I was an Angel now. I needed to be with people like me. Besides, he said there was still a How to Run a Country class. That's all I really wanted to know how to do. And if I was in the Diamond Class, then I'd be in the same class as Victoria and all of the rest of my new mythical creature friends, including Dario.

"Okay, I'll join the Diamond class, on one condition," I said holding up one finger.

"What?" Elridge asked raising his eyebrows.

"I still get to room with Zoey, Blair, and Lilia."

Elridge laughed and shook his head. "You got it." 

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