Harry's P.O.V

I squeeze Sophie's hand tighter as I stare at the screen.

'Well would you look at that.' says the nurse.

'What is it?' I ask in panic. 'Is something wrong?'

'No,' the nurse chuckles. 'It's twins.' I gasp and Sophie does too.

'What?' I exclaim. The nurse nods. 

'See?' she says, pointing to the screen. I can barely make out two small, frail bodies. 

'Oh my gosh.' I choke, my voice barely over a whisper. I hear Sophie's breath hitch and her grip on my hand tightens. 

'Would you two like to know the genders?' she asks. 

'Yes!' we both cry, and Sophie laughs. 

'Yes.' she says again.

'Looks like a boy and a girl.' says the nurse, peering at the screen. 

'Wow.' whispers Sophie and I realize my hands are shaking. She looks up at me and I give her a shaky smile. She takes one of my curls and pulls on it. I bend down and kiss her and she pulls away smiling. 'Twins, Haz.' she says. I nod, giving her a crooked smile.

'I know.' I reply. 

'Thanks.' Sophie says as the nurse wipes the gel gently off and I help Sophie sit up as she pulls down her shirt. She takes my hand and I pull her lightly up and we head out after she thanks the nurse again. 

Sophie sighs and goes over to Louis when we head back into the waiting room again. 

'Here's twenty.' she says, pulling money out of her pocket. 

'We said forty,' Louis laughs. 

'Well, we aren't sure it's fraternal twins yet so you only get half.' she replies. Louis pouts but takes the money. 

'What are you guys talking about?' I laugh as we walk to the car. 

'Louis insisted that the baby- now babies- would be twins. Fraternal twins. So we bet forty bucks on it.' Sophie explains and I just shake my head, laughing. We hop in the car and go home.

Sophie hurries inside ahead of us and runs into Liam's arms. 

'It's twins!' she exclaims. 

'What?!' Liam cries, hugging her back. 

'Mhhm! A boy and a girl.' she pulls back and smiles at him. 

'Soph that's awesome.' Liam replies. She nods and hugs Niall as well. Zayn stays in his spot on the couch, his eyes glued to the TV. I glare at him. Can't he give her a break?

Sophie's P.O.V

'Okay, Zayn.' I whisper harshly in his ear, grabbing the sleeve of his white t-shirt. He looks up at me as surprise flashes in his eyes. 'Get in the damn hallway. NOW.' I think it's the hormones but seeing him ignore me again makes me rage with anger. He stands up, startled and heads into the hallway. The boys look at me, confused, and I shoot them daggers, gesturing to Zayn. They just nod and I hurry into the hall after him and slam the door.

Zayn's P.O.V

Sophie grabs the front of my t-shirt and I almost want to laugh at her expression, except I'm too scared. 

'Listen.' she hisses. 'I don't know what the hell your problem is, but I've had up to here with these damn games.' she gestures with her hand above her head. 'You kissed me and then ignore me or glare at me for the next three months? Why the hell can't we just be friends?' 

'Don't you dare.' I whisper angrily, tears filling my eyes. Sophie steps away. 'YOU kissed ME. And you expect me to just forget it after you tell me you love me? For f*ck's sake, Sophie, get a damn clue.' I spin around and head downstairs and out of the apartment building, not looking back. 

Sophie's P.O.V

I watch Zayn disappear around the corner and just glare angrily after him as tears fall down my cheeks. He made a good point, but I really wish he didn't. I just grip the door handle and go back inside. I try to push by Harry to go upstairs, but he stops me and holds my arms with his strong hands. 

'Whoa.' he says, worry filling his green orbs. 'What's wrong?' I lick my dry lips. 

'Nothing.' I choke. 'Nothing's wrong.' 

'Sophie.' Harry says firmly. I look up into his hard eyes. He says nothing, just takes my hand and pulls me into our bedroom and shuts the door. I don't make eye contact with him, just sit on the bed and look at my hands. 'Spill.' he says.

Harry's P.O.V

'It was three months ago.' Sophie starts. 'Right when I'd gotten pregnant. I had taken Zayn in the hallway to talk.' I nod, remembering the day. 'We talked and he told me he loved me. To my surprise.. I found myself saying it back. I dunno. I don't love him.. I felt like I knew I'd be guilty if I didn't say it back, you know? And then I thought, "hell, might as well kiss him too" and so I did. We kissed, and I felt.. nothing. I felt absolutely nothing. I told him not to tell anyone. He didn't, but he also ignored me up until now.' I nod, not saying anything. 

'I understand..' I say finally, surprising myself. 'I do.' Sophie swallows hard. 

'Really?' she asks. 

'Yes.' I reply. I sit beside her and take her hands, forcing her to look at me. 'I love you.' I say. 'And I love little Darcy and Sam.' She gives me a look. 

'That's their names, hm?' She asks. I smirk. 

'Yup.' I nod.


'Anyway.' I say. 'I love you, and our children. And I wouldn't leave you for the world.' I see tears well in her eyes.

Sophie's P.O.V

'I love you, and our children. And I wouldn't leave you for the world.' Harry finishes. I feel tears filling my eyes and I struggle to hold them back. Instead of crying, I put my hand on Harry's neck and he bends down, kissing me passionately. Right then, I feel every ounce of love he feels for me in that one kiss. All the passion in our relationship is put into that kiss. We pull away after a few minutes. 

'I love you too.' I whisper. 

'Forever.' Harry says in his deep voice. I don't realize I'm crying until Harry's thumb brushes my tears away. I kiss him one more time before we get up to head back downstairs. 

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