The Beginning

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My phone buzzes in my pocket and excitedly I pull it out, hoping that it's from my best friend, Harry Styles. Yes, THE Harry Styles of One Direction. I've grown up right next door to him my whole life and our mums met in some pregnant-lady yoga class. Anyway, the thing is... I'm in love- no... not love. Very deep LIKE for Harry Styles. I can't love him yet, I mean, we've never been in a relationship before. Not like that. I want so badly to tell him how I feel about him but I'm so terrified he doesn't feel the same way. And anyway, I HAVE  a boyfriend. Sure, I like him a lot less than Harry, but I need to cover up my feelings somehow... I know it's harsh but I still like Josh a little, I guess. I feel like a terrible person, but I'm kind of just waiting on the day Josh breaks up with me. He's a great guy, but he isn't the one for me. I look back to my phone and see that the text is from Josh. We need to talk. It says. I frown, replying with Is everything alright? Almost immediately the phone buzzes with a reply. Um... not exactly. Let's meet at the cafe on ninth in five? I swallow hard. Sure. I reply nervously. 

I get to the cafe in less than two minutes and sit at a table for two, awaiting Josh's arrival anxiously. I take a deep breath, bouncing my knee. I look at the ground biting my lip, wondering what he wants to talk about. Suddenly the little bell at the door dings and my head whips up. It's Josh. He gives me a tight smile when he spots me and comes over, seating himself on the chair gingerly across from me. 'Josh... What is it?' I ask. He lets out a whoosh of air. 'I don't think we should be together anymore.' he says quietly. I freeze. Did he just say what I think he said? He wants to break up? A tidal wave of emotions rushes through me: anger, hurt, relief... 'Really?' I ask finally. He nods, swallowing. 'I don't want to be mean, and I want to stay friends, but... you aren't the one.' He tells me. I sigh, nodding. 'That's the same thing I was thinking...' I say, and when I think of 'the one', for some reason Harry pops into my head. I shake the thought quickly, as it makes me feel weird. 'I understand.' I say to Josh finally. 'I love you.' he tells me as he stands up. 'I really do, but we just... we can't be together anymore.' I'm a little shocked. He just said he loved me. I blink rapidly, clearing my throat. 'Bye, Josh.' I say as he gives me a tight hug and walks away. 

I sit there silently in the cafe for a few more minutes, not sure what to do. I replay what just happened over and over in my head. For some reason, I'm pretty sad about what happened. Josh and I were close. I didn't love him, and don't, but we dated for a few months. Surprisingly, a tear rolls down my cheek. I yank my phone out of my pocket and speed dial Harry as I get home. After just one ring he picks up. 'Hey, Soph.' his familiar accent comes onto the line. 'Hi, Haz.' I can't help a small smile. 'Why'd ya call?' he asks, and I remembered what just played out a few moments ago. My smile drops. 'Well, you know my boyfriend Josh?' I say slowly, feeling weird saying 'boyfriend'. Harry's voice hardens. 'Yes.' he replies. I take a deep breath. 'He dumped me.' I say, and to my surprise my voice cracks and the tears start flowing freely and I'm happy my mum, sister and dad are away on a trip with Harry's family. 'Oh, Soph...' Harry trails off, his voice softening. I let out a strangled sob. I hear a click, indicating that Harry has hung up. 'No...' I whisper, the phone dropping out of my hand and clattering to the floor. Even my best friend isn't here for me. I burst into tears and sit there crying. My thoughts are interrupted by the doorbell and I sniff, wiping furiously at my eyes, so thankful for waterproof mascara. I hurry downstairs and take a deep breath. I open the door to see Harry standing there on the porch, the pouring rain behind him. He's wearing a black knit sweater and black jeans, and he's biting his lip. 'Haz.' I whisper, unable to hold my feelings in anymore. I burst into tears again and he grabs me and pulls me into his arms. I cry into his shoulder and he rubs my back soothingly. 'Sh.' he murmurs into my hair. My body is wracking with sobs and I can't seem to stop. I feel a little self-conscious, but I've cried in front of Harry before, and he doesn't loosen his grip on me. 'Oh, Soph.' he says softly as I cry. Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat behind Harry and I sniff, peeking cautiously over his shoulder. 'Sh*t,' I mutter. Josh. Harry turns around and sees Josh, his eyes hardening. 'Hello, Josh.' he says coldly. 'Hey, buddy, you're hugging my girlfriend there.' Josh says in a triumphant tone. 'YOU BROKE UP WITH ME, IDIOT!' I yell, burying my face into Harry's sweater once again, breathing in his familiar cologne and it calms me down. 'Sh.' he says again. 'Josh, you need to leave.' he turns back to Josh. 'You've just broken the heart of probably the most amazing person I've ever met and you do NOT deserve her if you break up with her so harshly without a good reason.' I've stopped crying. I'm a little shocked. He's never said something that nice. Josh looks shellshocked and he walks away, stunned. Harry lets out an angry huff. 'Some people.' he mutters, his arms still around me. 'Thanks Harry.' I murmur, wrapping my arms around his torso and leaning into him. 'Anything for you, lovely.' he whispers. I sigh into his shirt. 'C'mon.' he says suddenly, pulling out of the hug and putting an arm around me. Harry leads me to his large black Range Rover sitting in his driveway and orders me to get in. I give him a questioning look. 'Where are we going?' I ask as I hop in. 'I don't know yet.' he replies and I laugh. 'Well alright then.'

Everything About You (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora