Breathe With Me

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six months later

I lie back on the couch, resting my hands on my huge stomach as Harry sits beside me and turns on the TV. I yawn. 

'I hate this show.' I mumble.

'Hormonnnneess.' singsongs Harry under his breath. I wack his arm.

'Oh shut your stupid face.' I snap.

He just sighs and turns back to the TV. I do as well and recoil when I see what's on the screen, sitting up. There, on our screen, is a picture of Harry in full-on liplock with his 32 year old ex girlfriend Caroline goddamn Flack. I look over at Harry, my jaw clenched. 

'Sophie-' he starts. 'I can explain-'

'No!' I interrupt. 'You are a little manwhore! I hate you! Get out!'

'Sophie!' he cries.

'Get. Out.'

Harry reluctantly gets up, biting his lip. 'I-'

'Shut up and leave! Just get out! And DON'T come back!' I scream. He leaves.

I sit back on the couch, laying my hands gently on my stomach and closing my eyes. I feel the babies kick in distress and I feel tears fill my eyes.

I don't know how long I lay like that, but eventually I hear a key in the lock and the door opens. I open my eyes and lift my head as Liam and Louis walk in,

'Can I help you?' I ask rudely. Liam's eyes fill with concern.

'What happened?' he asks immediately, moving to sit beside me. Louis helps me sit up and I face them.

'Harry cheated on me..' I say, looking down at my belly. Louis is being typical Louis and has his head pressed against my stomach, talking quietly to it. I can't help but giggle.

'Oh, Soph..' Liam murmurs.

'Yeah. With Caroline Flack.'

Louis looks up as I roll my eyes. He makes a face.

'Caroline Flaaaack.' Louis says in an annoying, high-pitched voice.  I ruffle his hair, messing up his quiff slightly. 'Heyyy.' he mumbles, trying to fix it. Liam kisses my temple and I sigh, rubbing my stomach in circles as the babies kick again. I am literally two days away from being nine months pregnant.

I refuse to go anywhere in case I go into labor while I'm out in public. 

I sit with Lou and Liam and watch romantic comedies until late at night. 

'Boys I'm gonna go to bed.' I say, pushing myself up off the couch. 

'Night love.' Liam says. 

'Niiight,' cries Lou. 

I wake up to rustling in the corner of my room and I sit up with a gasp, looking around. 

'It's just me.' murmurs Louis, creeping over to my bed and sitting on the edge. 

'Hi..?' I say uncertainly, rubbing my eyes with one hand. 

'Can I sleep with you? I uh..' he chuckles softly. 'I had a nightmare.' 

I giggles and scooch over. 'Sure, Lou.' 

He slides under the covers beside me and snuggles in the pillow. 

'Lou?' I whisper. 

'Hmm?' he asks, stroking my hair. 

My next words come out in a hoarse whisper. 'Do you think Harry will be here when these kids come out?'

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