Chapter 5

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"You take too long to update." Kitty pouts, draped over the bed.
"You know I've got London shit. Besides," I shrug, "plot is harder for this to write for whatever reason."
Kitty moans and takes out her phone before typing away. I crane my head around.
"A chatroom doesn't open for another 20 minutes at least. What are you doing?"
"Tell him to pay attention to his professor and stop flirting."
"He says no."
"He's a bitch."
"That's mean Lennu." Kitty flicks me.
"Hey, He's gotta pay attention. Education is important."
"You went to prison instead of school." Kitty points out, eyes still on her phone."
"It only increases the knowledge that its important." I check my watch. "Hey does yoosung have open campus lunch?"
"He's in university so I'd think so?" Kitty types the question to yoosung before looking back up at me. "Why?"
I shrug. "Eh, it's nearly lunch, I'm bored as hell, not creative with plot, and you're a ho for the blonde bitch, might as well meet up to eat. Tell him to pay attention to the rest of class though, I want to hear one thing he learned in class when we arrive."
"He says 'okay mom.'" Kitty snickers. 
"Fucking blonde bitch."

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