Chapter 1

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"Nooo" I Groaned. Today is the first day of school and I'm not ready to go back...I get up as slow as possible hoping my school would magically burn down so I won't have to go. "IM SO TIRED" I whined.

I can't believe the summer is already over. Like seriously, it feels like yesterday I just was finishing my junior year. Sighing I get up and start my routine. "God let me hurry up I'm freaking hungry "
Hey don't judge me breakfast is the first meal I get to eat, and food is like life. As I finish getting ready I get kinda excited because I get to see Dakota.

You see Dakotas my Bestfriend we have been friends since freshman year. We had every single class together and we just hit it off instantly. She is also the crazier and funnier one out of both of us. We legit went the whole summer without seeing each other.Because she went to Ohio to spend time with her dad's side of her family. See, that's where me and Dakota also relate both are parents are divorced. But she has a relationship with her father...I don't.

"Kelli dear you need to hurry up you don't wanna be late on your first day back". My mother said as she peaked her head in my room.

"Mom, I'm coming and....I won't be late". At least I don't think I will. If it wasn't for the thought of food and seeing my Bestfriend I wouldn't even be dressed by now. I'm in no rush to get to that hell hole everyone calls school. I'm just glad its my senior year  cause I'm over high school.

As I make my way downstairs to the kitchen I notice a camera in my mother's hand. "Mom what are you doing ?" I groan. "Stop your whining Kelli it's your senior year...Your last first day of school" she says grinning. "Can I at least eat first I'm starving and I have to leave in like 15 minutes". "Of course Kelli but after you smile and take 2 more pictures". Well it's official I won't have enough time to make a 5 star breakfast, because 2 pictures really means 30. I walk in the kitchen and open the fridge to find something quick. "Hmm....An Apple it is then".


"Dakota's here" I gasped I rush to the door excitedly ready to see my Bestfriend. "Bye mom I'll see you later" I said happily. "Bye Kelli I'll see you later honey". I rush outside and see my curly haired friend in her Jeep. "Kelli get in bitch I missed you!!" "I missed you too" I say while getting in the Jeep and Hugging her. "Are you ready?" She asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I said sighing. "Cheer up boo this year won't be that bad. It's our last year plus you'll get to see Carter and you are top of our class so you know what that means". I smile as I begin to think about Carter and his breathtakingly features..God took his time when he made Carter he is so gorgeous. Too bad I will never be able to talk to him. Every time I see him I get nervous and I embarrass myself.

Dakota finally pulls up to the school and finds a parking spot. We get out the car and everyone is staring. "Wtf are they looking at" Dakota said. " obviously not us" I say as me and Dakota eyes follow the crowd. And of course it's no other then Jamie, Reece and Trever making a dramatic entrance stepping out of Jamie's Bright red Tesla. I know right what a fucking cliche the most popular guy in school with the most expensive car in school. And Dakota wonders why I hate this school as much as I do.

Rolling my eyes and grabbing Dakotas arm I drag us out of the crowd and we enter the school. "God their so dramatic" I say annoyed. " girl don't be such a hater" she says laughing. " hmmm a hater huh? .. girl wipe that drool off your face"  I said smirking at her. "Girl bye I just happen to notice Reece's new nose piercing" I laugh as I begin to remember how much she actually likes him. Reece believe it or not is more quiet then me I mean I've had classes with him in the past and he is always cold and quiet towards everyone. I've also seen him reject almost every girl in this school so I don't see how she still likes him. " you know what good luck with that Dakota" I say shaking my head and laughing at her.

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