The Phone Call from Clair

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My phone buzzed in my pocket as I sat in the chair rocking Ella back and forth. Liam was down stairs, 'pre-paring' microwavable mac-n-cheese.

I pulled it out and studied the caller ID.



"Hey! What is this I hear about you and Liam reunited once again?"

"Uh... Yes, We are."

"Why? Why didn't you think to tell your most bestiest friend in the world?"

"Sorry, I was quite busy."

"With whom may I ask?" I can practically see her waggling her eyebrows.

"The baby, Della has had three asthma attacks in the past six days. One of those was tonight, she was hooked to the machine in the hospital. I think she is getting worse."

"Oh. Honey,I am so sorry. Is she breathing okay? Have you tested her mucus?" And suddenly Clair the nurse kicked in.

"Clair!" I cut off her rambling.


"Shut up. I have been to the hospital."

"Which one?" 

"Portland. Liam said its the one that Simon recommended. And yes i know that you work at Lister and I could have gotten in free but Liam didn't give me that option." I said annoyed.

"Umf. Some one's catty?" CLair suggested.

"I reunited with my boyfriend and four of my closest friends a month ago, and before I left them, they were all very stressing to be around. It's been a long week."

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"It s'okay."

But before she could say anything else Liam knocked softly on the door and I murmured a quick goodbye to CLair, ignored her protests, and hung up.

"Hey, how is she?"

"The machine is helping her a lot, she fell asleep, and even through Clair and mine's loud conversation, she didn't wake."

"GOod. Are you ready to eat?" He asked.

"As ready as I will ever be for some mac-n-cheese."

"I pre-pared this for you!" He said quoting a Julian Smith video.

We exited the bedroom after laying Della down and made our way to the kitchen.

"That was really good Liam, I loved it." I said after scarfing down my last bite of it.


"I know it's not late at all, but I am exhausted." I sighed.

"So I guess you are going to bed then?"


"Aw! Okay. G'night, Rhee."

"Night, Liam." FIrst name, Rhea, Really?

I stood up and put my plate in the dish washer but before I could exit the room, Liam grabbed my wrist and pulled me around to face him.

"What happened to Li?"

"I didn't feel the need, I guess." I said turning back to go to the room but Liam still had a firm grip on my wrist.

"G'night kiss?" He offered with a slight smirk.

"Nope." I puled my wrist from his grip and smirked till I reached the bed room.

I stripped down to my undergarments and rummaged through the drawers. I heard the door creak and panick set in, until I heard his sharp intake of breath. Bloody Hell! I should've locked the door before I started changing.

"R-Rhea, I came to go to bed, I didn't know you were changing." He stuttered. He looked me up and down before walking slowly closer to me.

I quickly slipped on my pajama pants and I was left in a sports bra. Liam frowned and set his arms carefully on my waist.

"You know, I still didn't get that g'night kiss?"

"Yep. And you are still not getting one," I said removing his hands from my waist and heading to Della's room to check up on her.

I leaned into the crib and checked her breathing, she seemed perfectly fine so I exited and made my way back to the other bedroom. Liam was now in his boxers, just his boxers. Please, don't turn around, I thought to myself. 

But my thoughts were obviously against me today, because he turned to face me with a genuine smile on his face this time. Oh My Lord. He was toned! His chest was tanned and his six pack was obviously visible, which meant that my eyes were on his stomach.

"My eyes are up here, Rhee." He laughed. That snapped me from my daze, I turned to face him and I knew that I was blushing, it was obviously evident since he was smirking slightly.


"I know you can't resist it."

"Seriously, Liam. You just kind of ruined the vibe there."

"What vibe? You meant this one?" And he pretended to look dazed at my stomach.

"Shut up." I smacked his shoulder and fell onto the bed. I felt it dip as Liam lay next to me.

Soon I found myself drifting into sleep.

FILLER CHAPTER! I KNOW HOW ALL OF YOU WANTED A CHAPTER SO I DECIDED TO UPDATE AND I have no clue why i was just writing in all caps.






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