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Chapter 2

After one agonizing boring lecture I bolted out of the classroom going straight to the parking lot. I looked at my watch and it was past three. Shit I'm gonna be late! I thought to myself.

As I made my way to my car, mini cooper, my sixteenth birthday present, I spotted a head of curls surrounded by girls. I rolled my eyes at the scene and to my luck my car was next the one that is next to him. I unlocked it and hopped in it while girls were calling me names, even guys. Seriously, they look weird laughing outloud and calling me names and making jokes out loud. For the outlooker they look like hyenas having some sort of prey that they are intimidating it and making fun of it except in this picture the prey left blasting The Rolling Stones and rolled down the window a little.

I stared back in the rear view mirror and I saw them still laughing except for Harry who was smiling unwillingly, I could tell from the uneasiness on his face. How could they not see it? Anyway he was the only one who didn't say anything.

I swerved around the cars as I made my way to one of my many work places, I kept honking at the idiots seriously who approved of their driving?! The fuck is wrong with them??!

After parking my car in the employees parking space, getting my apron out of my trunk; I walked inside the restaurant.

As I was making my way to the back because the back door only opens from the inside, some sort of accident in the 90's freaked the owner and got to manipulate the hinges and now it only open from the inside, I heard a client who was trying to get attention from the waitress, Jenny.

"Please can I get another refill?" He asks desperately looking around "please anybody?"

"Hello sir, let me get that for you" I smile at him and take his cup on my way to the back.

I heard a woman shouting 'excuse me' so I turn around smiling at her "hi! Can I get another french fries portion with a lot of ketchup and mayo but on either side of the plate" she looks at me apologetically, when looked around the table I saw she had three little monsters.

I smile at her warmly "absolutely" I say and then continue my way to the back with two orders.

On my way I heard someone crying a little voice saying "mommy?!" Again and again. I look down and I saw a little angel searching for her mom with her tear stained face. I took her in my arms and wiped the tears away.

"Hey baby, don't cry we'll find your mommy okay?" I coo and she nods.

"Now what is she like?"

"She's blonde.. like me and have big blue eyes" she informs me hiccuping.

No  the diner was rather small, I don't see how anyone can get lost. And maybe that's it maybe she wasn't lost maybe her mom told her to stay put so she can go somewhere but she didn't listen. Somewhere? The restroom!!

"What's her name sweety?"

"Isabella like my great grandmother" she says and I breathe a laugh. I kiss her forehead and make my way to there and walk in.

"Excuse me is there a blonde woman here named Isabella?" I ask out loud

A blonde woman looked at me and shook her head 'no' so I look around until I hear "that's me" I take a look at the woman in question and the kid in my arm just shouts 'mommy!'

"Oh baby what's wrong I just went to the restroom baby" she coos as she takes her from my arms.

"I thought you left when you didn't get back fast" she says into her neck.

"Angie I'll never leave you baby" Isabella kisses her forehead "I'm so sorry to trouble you miss she think 'I'll be back in no time' means literally ten seconds" she laughs a bit and I smile at her.

"No problem, at least Angie is happy now" I say and she smiles at me while I pinch her cheek.

I left them kissing and hugging each other and went to the back where the magic happens.

"Hey Chloë!" Miranda greets me. She's the one that helps Fred, the chef.

"I am NOT late!" I exclaim pointing at her and she laughs.

"Hey kitty !!" Fred greets me smiling that dazzling smile of his. He's forty something and flirty and awesome.

"I am NOT late!!" I shout and he laughs raising his hands in defense.

"Hey Kim can you get me a donut with the disgusting frosting?" I ask pouring some coffee in the mug I got from the man.

"Sure thing girl!" She shouts going through the fridge.

I grab my tray and put a plate full of french fries and put the bottles of mayo and ketchup on the tray, grab the donut and carry on my way.

"Here you go sir, sorry for the wait, I saw you had a donuts with the di-multicolor frosting so here you go courtesy from the shop" I say smiling

"Oh thank you very much.." he trails

"Chloë" he nods smiling and I leave for the next client.

"Hey kids here you go!" I tell them and they scream excitedly and I laugh.

"Thank you" their mother thanks me.

I hear someone screams my name so I tear off my eyes from the scene in front of me and whip my head towards the source of the sound and see Angie waving at me from the cashier.

I smile instantly and wave my hand at her "bye Angie!!"

"Bye bye Chloë" she says.

I go back to taking orders, cleaning tables, making friends who aren't low on caffeine and majorly having fun with the staff.

Kim and Jayden, the cashier, always fight, well everybody including me think that they like each other, because they could be fighting one second and the other they'd be flirting shamelessly and then you'd walk in the big freezer to get some pies and you'd find them making out or already in second base. Fred and Miranda would steal some glances that would make forty-year-old Miranda blush and I would turn my gaze because I feel like I'm intruding on something. Robert or Handsome Rob like he wants to be called is the one who brings out the stuff that Fred cooks and distribute it to clients sometimes. He's such a gentleman and a flirt, you get why he's always stuck in the kitchen with Fred. Lauren is a waitress mostly she likes to keep it to herself and she is such a shy girl and Handsome Rob is taking his sweet time torturing her.

Sandra is our manager and she's rarely here because she's a busy person, but she's not a witch like most movies, she's in fact a really nice lady. Rosalia is the woman who clean constantly and she's spanish and very funny.

As you can see we were all a family that helps each other and mostly make fun of each other because we love each other even though if sometimes we have to restrain Kim and force her to hand us the knife that she was running with after Jayden.

But today was one of the days where I leave early to go to my charity work at the library. So I say goodbye to everybody and leave with a donut in my mouth as I open the door checking my phone.

I have two missed calls from Layla. The Animal shop owner. There must be a disaster.

𝐋𝐚𝐛 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 // 𝐇.𝐒 // (𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now