"How is he?" I asked. My stomach twists as the sound of his name.

"He is okay but he wants to see you. He is in class right now though." She replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. Why?" She asked.

"Sydney." I answered.

Her light happy aura dampened. She seemed haunted.

"There's nothing to it." She answered. She looked away trying to hide her facial expression but I know she's not okay.

"You know you can talk to me." I assured her, " Whenever you're ready you can talk to me."

"She was my best friend, a sister to me. She did something bad, she did something that's unforgivable. I was so young. I was only 13 and I was haunted. I was hurt." She opened up. Silent tears fell down her face as she stared at the wall. She was haunted and hurt. What did that bitch do?

I held her hand and gave it a light squeeze. A small smile made a way to her face. A small glimmer of hope ignited in her eyes.

"Thank you for telling me." I said to her. Even if she hasn't told me her entire life history, she trusts me enough to say something and I'm happy.

"Thank you for listening." She said to me with a soft chuckle. She dried her tears with her hands and she looked at me.

Its time I tell Caroline the truth. I can't keep it from any longer. It probably won't be so bad. I'll be fine. The others are going to find out. What are they going to think of me? Jackson can be pretty overprotective of his little pack. Ryder, even though he doesn't show it, would die for this girl. The kind of love they have or Ronnie and Jack or Blaire and Jackson, that's what I want. A special kind of love.

But with who?

"You're probably hungry." Caroline stated.

"Starved actually." I replied with a smile.

We sat in silence. It was kinda awkward.

"Caroline this is the part where you get me my food. " I told. I gotta eat!

"Oh ya you're right. What do you want?" She asked.

"A double cheese burger, a bowl of salads, French fries and Apple juice." I said with confidence.

"You worry me." She replied.

"Wha-what my diet is just fine. Add two slices of chocolate cake there please." I said with a cheeky little smile on my face.

"How the hell do you still have such an amazing body?" Caroline asked.

"Good genes. Plus I uhmmm train. " I replied. I'll tell her everything slowly by slowly.


"Yeah like sparing and stuff like that. With Ronnie and Jack. I can kick some ass." I told her.

She stared at me for a few seconds. Analysing me. Ronnie and Jack have been training me since I was 5 years old and now I'm 17 so I'm pretty skilled.

Recently I haven't trained much. Ever since we came to this pack but I resume my training this weekend. It's not easy especially being trained by Ronnie and Jack. Those guys are brutal.

"We have pack training here. I cant say it really helps. We barely do a thing." She finally said.

I nodded my head in understanding. Suddenly her eyes lit up.

"You can train Me!! " She exclaimed.

"Wait What?"

"Yessss! I'm a genius. You can train me to fight like a warrior. " She she said with so much excitement. How did I get myself into this?

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