You saw a God in front of you and he is just wow.

You take a seat on the floor next to him.

The teacher calls him up to introduce himself to the class.

"Hi I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-hope, because I'm your angel, your hope, your J-hope.

Then he freaking winked.

All the girls just died including you, you kept on admiring him as he took his seat back next to you.

"I know I'm good looking but no need to stare."

Oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be weird.

You look away, embarrassed.

"Ah, it's okay I think your pretty cute too."

Huh?? Are you talking about me??

"Yeah who else, silly".

Oh my Lord is he actually talking to me.?.?

"What's your name?"

Oh I'm y/n, l/n.

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl."

He put a strand of your hair behind your ear.

Oh thanks.

"So where are you from?"

Oh, I'm from around here.

"Cool, that means you know the area. Wanna go out to eat after all your classes?"

Why do you want to eat with me?

"Hmm, I don't know but you seem to have intrigued me with your beauty. So, I would like to know your personality."

O-oh okay. You look away blushing at his words.

At the end of class you both exchange numbers and tell each other your schedules.

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