Critical Thinking

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Hannah, Craig thought. He recalled his last memory of his wife: A road trip to Banff. She was a natural blonde and was obsessed with her job. Work seemed like a trivial thing, now that he was apart from her. Now, life consisted of physical exercise, studying in the archives, and daily reviews of the Earth's temperature levels.

Craig looked up at his companion, saying, "how many more of us do you think there are?"

"What do you mean?" Amy asked. "Of the human race?"

"I guess, I meant humans in the bunkers. There have to be more."

"Not to my knowledge. There wasn't enough time to build more before the asteroid hit."

"But they had enough time to do a screening process?"

Amy finished the rest of her breakfast and put her bowl in the sink. "I didn't build the program. The UN did in hopes of keeping our species alive. Be thankful that you survived."

"I fear I might go insane down here."

"That is why they put the program guide together, so we have a purpose every day. I am no different than you, I signed up in hopes of surviving."

"Yeah," Craig said. "That's true." He finished his oatmeal and placed the bowl in the sink as well. "I wonder if there were any doomsday-preppers who managed to survive through this."

"I guess our offspring will be the ones to find out about that," Amy said.

Craig nodded. He didn't have any further to comment. The concept of living the rest of his life in this bunker with Amy was not a pleasant thought, they had little to no common interest. They had been in the shelter for several months if his memory served correctly. Then again, his mind wasn't very reliable as of late.

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