Deadly Promise

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Hanzo couldn't stand that damn cowboy. He never could take anything seriously, he was always in trouble with the laws and he played dangerous games on both sides of this war. How could someone like Hanzo ever fall for an idiot like Jesse McCree?

And now, once again Hanzo was in they're shared bedroom alone thinking about the man of his dreams, the last conversation they shared. There last lovable and cute moments together.

"don't worry buttercup, I'll be back from this mission by high noon"

"Jesse, please don't go. I do not trust Reaper or Widowmaker around you"

"I have to Han, I need to gain their trust for this undercover operation to work"

"Hmph, fine I'll just come along with you" Hanzo wrapped his arms around Jesse's neck looking up at him.

"Buttercup, you can't come. You know thi-"

Hanzo quickly kisses Jesse on the lips playfully to shut him up. " You know I'll follow you, McCree"

"Yeah, you and your damn ninja wall climb powers" Jesse kissed down Hanzo's cheek to his neck leaving his saliva on his man's neck.

"your gross Jesse" Hanzo ran his hands through Jesse's soft hair churring excitingly.

"I'm just marking my territory" He made sure to cover Hanzo's neck in hickeys and drool.

"you are something McCree, I'm surprised Genji didn't swipe you up while in Blackwatch"

"Genji is cute, but your cuter Han. And your pick in clothing caught my attention~". Jesse pinched Hanzo's left nipple lightly, making Hanzo's face heat up.

"I promise I'll be back". McCree kissed Hanzo's forehead, " I promise" He threw his old poncho on and headed towards the door. Hanzo held a tear in his eyes as he beloved Cowboys winked at him and walk out into the cold blizzard night. That was 4 days ago.

To be continued

Authors note: yeah I know its short, but I wanted to give some background information before I really dived into the plot, so yeah bye peeps.


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