Part 2.1

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Part 2.1


(Warning! This part of the book's first chapter is about Eren's past and what he went through as a child to the time he moved to Levi's high school. There is mention of rape, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and major character death. It is a very triggering subject, cancer. I know people who have had their 8 year old daughter die of liver, kidney, pancreas, and brain cancer. If this chapter is too triggering PM me about it.)

6 year old Eren (POV's in this chapter are in 3rd person POV,)

The sun beat down warmly upon the child's cheeks, making his eyes and nose scrunch up in discomfort, as laid on the bright green grass of his lawn, as he watched the clouds move and change shape. "Eren? We are going to go see your sister? Do you wanna come? You can always come next time, if it makes you feel better." Carla said as she took a seat on the ground next to her son, fanning out her yellow sundress, tucking her legs on the side of her body. Her long chocolate brown hair tied off to the side, tumbling down her shoulder, curling lightly around her elbow. "I don't wan' it to be weal. I want kasa to be okay. I wanna remembah befowah the cancah " he said tiredly, slurring his r's slightly. Carla smiled softly at her child, placing her hands in his soft brown hair, running them through the locks, massaging his scalp with her freshly manicured nails. "Well, maybe when we go see 'Kasa you can take her outside with the other kids. You can lay underneath the tree at the Hospital with Mikasa. Eren. She would love that."His mother's voice reverberated through his ears. He snuggled against his mother's side. "I love 'Kasa mama, I hope Jesus loves hewah too." He whispered gently before closing his eyes and sighing. "Mom!" They both turned to look at the black haired girl wheeling towards them, dragging her IV and oxygen tank behind her. "Mika!" The brunette boy screeched as he ran towards his little sister, nearly tripping over himself as he hurried to wrap her up in a hug. "I love you Kasa." he murmured against her hair as her weak grip tightened against his forest green shirt.

12 year old Eren,

"Mika? Hey. Is everything alright? I know you can't hear too well but I want to take you outside one last time before they pull the plug on you. They told me I could say my goodbyes. Mom misses you too, and so does Dad. I-I m-miss you t-too." he choked out between sobs, cerulean eyes glittering with freshly fallen tears, his hands reaching forwards to grip his sister tightly in his arms, unhooking her from the monitor. He nuzzled her hair, even though he knew deep down, she was in a better place. She was 10 years old and cancer had taken her away from her family. "I hope you're happy, wherever you are Mikasa. I love you. So much." with that said. Eren took his brain dead sister outside for the last time before everything became real.

That Night...

"AHH!" Eren woke with a start from his night terror, his mother in front of him holding a semi-empty glass of water, as some of the liquid dripped from his face. "Y-you were screaming, standing, screaming. Umm.. I-I."His mother was frantic, trying to explain what she had just seen happen to her son. "Mom! Mom! MOM!" Eren screeched, reaching out to shake his mum from her shocked state. Her wild brown eyes seemed to move frantically in her skull, as she tried to come to grips with the world around her. Finally, after several minutes of warm water applied to her forehead, she came to. "E-Eren?" his mother's voice was weak as she held onto him. He looked down at her with worry. "I'm gonna go call your nurse mom you're not doing to well." Eren whispered as he stood up, only to have his mother grab onto his arm and pull him back with a strength he didn't think she had. In a man's voice she yelled at him causing his eyes to widen. "Kenny? Please. Don't do this to my mom. Just go get my mom, or I will have to force the pills into your mouth to make you go away." Eren said calmly, though he was secretly freaking out on the inside.

His mother glared at him with a ferocity that sent shivers down his spine. "No." the male voice growled out, not suiting his mother's beautiful face. With a scoff, eren stood up and backed out of the room, watching as his mother followed soon after the crazy, murderous glint in her eyes growing with each step her son took. Eren held up his hands in a defensive way trying to make sure his mom stayed just far enough away that he could still get away if he needed to run. He looked at his mom once more before dashing into the kitchen to grab the bottle of pills. His mom was on him in a matter of seconds, growling inhumanly as she hit, kicked, and bit him. His father came out to get a drink, only to see his wife attacking their son. He sighed and walked over to them only to gasp as a knife was stabbed into the side of his neck. His eyes widened as they traveled down to look at his wife, her usually bright golden brown eyes, were a darkened black, with a murderous glint in them. "Die! Grisha!" the woman screeched before ripping the knife back, whirling around to go after her son next.

"I hate you so much." his mother said as she lunged at her son. Eren cried out in protest as the knife was plunged into his right side. Blood spewed out of his mouth as he fell to ground bleeding out. "I-I love you mom." he whispered as he began to drift n and out of consciousness. That was when the fire started, burning his house down, with his both of his parents inside. His sister Mikasa having died earlier in the day. He had no one but himself and hopefully someday his mate.

5 years later...

"...ake up!...ease?" a voice whispered into the boy's ear as he drifted in the sea of nothingness. What is going on? Why can't I see anything? Why can I hear someone's voice? I thought everyone was dead? Mikasa? Oh right.... The boy let the negative thoughts fill his mind with each passing moment. "Eren?" the voice was so strong? Eren's eyes widened as he came too to see his mate gently shaking his shoulder. "Eren! You were crying in your sleep." gunmetal grey eyes filled with concern for his mate. Eren smile up at him. "I-I just remembered the day my family died. It was all a dream. There's also something I should tell you. Jean, a boy who bullied me for being an Omega. He raped me 2 years ago. Also, he blamed me for my parents death.-" Eren took a deep breath, glancing down at his trembling fists before locking eyes with Levi.- "It's true... I was the cause of the death of my parents..."...

So sorry it isn't on time like I promised I've had a rough couple weeks. I've just been reading a lot, cleaning, taking care of Rene, and finishing up the summer courses I was taking at my college. Once again, I am so sorry. Also One-Shots will be updated next Tuesday. I am posting two because I was late with this one. I love those of who who have supported me thus far, and Thank those of you who have stuck with me for the majority of the books I have written! You all mean a lot to me.


Picture Perfect  (Omega!Eren x Alpha!Levi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang