Chapter 7

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Alice's P.O.V

I've been with Emma for a week now, and she's coming today. Mom has been bugging me about it ever since.

She would ask me "Honey..when is Emma coming again?" or sometimes

"Darling..when are you going to introduce her to us?" and many more questions like that, that's why I asked Emma to come today just to make my mom stop from asking me the same questions all day and all the time.

We're currently waiting for my girlfriend's arrival whilst helping my mom to prepare a special dinner. Minutes after, Mom and I have already prepared the table just as Emma arrive in time. She's now sitting on the couch playing with my sister, Katy.

"Looks like you guys are in good terms to each other, huh?" I said and leaned my head against our kitchen door with my arms folded in my chest. I'm really enjoying the scene.

"I guess so" Emma said then got up.

"You look beautiful" I whispered to her when she wrapped her arms around my neck before giving me a quick peck on my lips. She put the same lip gloss she had the first time we kissed, and I'm loving it until now.

"Thank you, so do you" She said so sweetly it melted my heart. She smiled at me.

"Eew. Yeeck. Mommy! Mommy!! Alice and sis Emma are kissing!" Katy playfully faked a puke sound, with covered eyes making us giggle at her.

"Sweetie, get a room!" Dad joked and also made a face on us while he jogged down the stairs to pick Katy on his big arms.

"Yeah, yeah..."I rolled my eyes and kissed Emma again just to tease Katy.

When dinner started, mom practically bombarded Emma with what or whatnot questions here and there which my girlfriend gently answers each of them without hesitation. On the other hand, me and dad on were discussing about our favorite sport, basketball. I asked dad for some new pattern tecniques which he voluntarily enjoyed giving advises. To add it up, he also instructed me how to apply those techniques for this coming match this week.

The dinner went well though except the fact that mom didn't forget to show my baby pictures to Emma. It was embarrassing! they just laughed at me all the time, especially my dear mother. After dinner, I stayed at the kitchen for awhile to help mom wash the dishes while Emma took a shower upstairs.

"Alice!! I forgot to tell you something." Mom suddenly shrieks, startling me.

"Aah! God, Mom!! You almost give me a heart attack right there!" I frowned at her and continued washing dishes.

"Ooops, sorry. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I like Emma that's all" She smiled so sweetly to me. But I didn't, even though it was a nice compliment coming from her.

"That's all??" I mocked with a disbelief look while she hummed and give me a peace sign. Tsk. She made a scene just because she wanted to tell me she likes Emma?? oh, man.

"If you say so then I'm glad. I'm done here mom, goodnight" I said then kissed her cheek, wiping my hands on my pants.

"Good night to you too" alas, I saw her nod at me before I closed the door.

I walked to my room to have a shower when I saw Emma lying on my bed, already sound sleep. A smile formed my lips as I continued walking towards the bathroom. After my shower, I joined Emma on my bed and lay beside her, with her back in front of me. I kissed her forehead first, then to her cheek and whispered a good night to her ear.

The next morning I woke up with my girlfriend on top of me. I smiled at our position then I stared at her while I admire her pretty face. I pinched her nose to wake her up, but she just groaned and slapped my hand which made me chuckle. I pinched her nose again and this time, she stirred letting out a yawn with a sleepy smile and still with eyes closed.

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