Chapter 4

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Alice's P.O.V

I woke up first before Madison could. I went downstairs to make us breakfasts. My plan today's quite cool, I think? I wanted to go scuba diving,  just like I use to do whenever I come here. I usually go scuba diving with Troy and Valentina, the Italian but fluent girl I met a few years back, who works for grandpa as well. Valentina has a brunette hair and she's really slim, therefore, she's got a good shape. She's a little bit taller than me whilst Troy on the other side has a dirty blonde hair.  He's as tall as Valentina as well, maybe around 5'9 or something. I wonder why they aren't dating yet though. I'll probably should ask him that later.

I was done preparing the table when Madison opened the door, smiling at me.

"Good morning" I greeted. She yawned and replied me a simple morning before taking a sit.

"How did I ever get so lucky..." she starts with her dramatic girly tone as I tuned her off. I watch her count her fingers, like a kindergarten would usually do when asked how old they are. She looks cute by doing it though, It's like watching my little sister-

"Hellooo?? earth to Alice! are you even listening??" Madison snapped her fingers in front of me. Gosh, how long have I been staring at her? Such a dumbass. I should be more careful.

"Huh? sorry, come again??" I asked confused, titling my head to look elsewhere but her to hide my flushed cheeks. Last time I checked, I was the one who makes people blush and not the other way round.

"I asked you, and I repeat. What your next plan now?" she groaned a little, annoyed at the fact that I didn't listen to her in the first place.

"You'll see later. Although, I suggest you to wear bikini or whatever. We aren't going to be alone later either. Troy will be there" I grinned while she just nodded.

"Alright, surprise me then. You better include me riding my jet ski" she said while she neatly, slowly eats her breakfasts.

"Oh-no. That's not your jet-ski. You wish" I stock my tongue out as she just gave me the middle finger and chuckled afterwards. This girl is crazy.

"I could ask papi to buy me one though" she swallowed her food, took a sip on her pineapple juice and stock her tongue out on me this time. In case you don't know who the papi she's to, that's my grandpa. The one who owns this resort. Since she and grandpa met and got to know each other, they've been as close as ever as if they were really relatives.

"You can't, he's out of town" I lied. Well it's not that I don't want her to ask grandpa for a jet-ski. I have my own plan, considering her birthday's nearly coming.

She groaned then huffed before standing up and taking the dishes away as I followed suit behind her, just watching her washed them on the sink.

"It's okay. At least you're gonna let me drive the the blue one, aren't you?" She says giving me that puppy eye look, waiting for my approval.

"Of course!" I smiled at her.

"Awesome! all settled then" she winked at me and let out on a cute giggle. God damn it Maddie, you didn't have to do that! shit is this normal? my god! what am I talking about?

"I'll be right back" I said and left a kiss on her cheek. AND AGAIN! what are you doing to me?

What am I doing? I thought to myself and shook my head. I went outside the cabin and give my girlfriend a quick goodmorning call. We talked on the phone for some couple of minutes by telling her how my surprise went and more unimportant details. In return, she told me how bored she was and how she missed seeing me and holding her. I could tell the same, I missed my girlfriend too. But then, there's something bothering me and I know this is stupid as hell. Maybe I should just stop over thinking. This isn't nothing.

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