Junhoe already knew about the situation Lisa was in with her father and everything. The blonde had ranted to him dozens of times and didn't even fail to include Chaeyoung in the conversation as well.

Chaeyoung has been inside of the blonde's mind a lot today, which was similar to the days before, as she looked out of the window, watching the snow fall from the night sky. It was early December and and she wanted nothing more than hot chocolate and cuddling under the warmth of a blanket with none other than Chaeyoung. Lisa almost hated that she felt this way about a person but she was glad it was Chaeyoung. She couldn't picture herself thinking about anyone else right now.

When they arrived at the club, Lisa stepped out of the car without a word having Junhoe to follow her in pursuit. She didn't mind that Junhoe was following her all of the time. Sometimes, she would forget that he was even there since Junhoe didn't talk that much on the job unless it was just them two.

The moment Lisa stepped into the club, her eyes widened in shock as she stared at two dark haired girls making out near the counter top. They both halted to look towards the chime of the front door opening and pushed each other away as soon as they saw the sight of humanity.

"God, I almost don't want to sit there anymore." Lisa groaned, making her way towards the bar, shaking her head at both Jennie and Jisoo.

Junhoe walked behind Lisa and sat himself at the corner of the bar, away from the rest of them, turning around to watch the front door and any other possible entries.

"Hey, June," Jennie leaned over to give the younger man a high five which he gladly received as he waved over to Jisoo as well, before turning the young blonde who had placed her forehead on the countertop, "I'm guessing you want a drink."

"Obviously." Lisa replied sassily.

The constant grumpiness Lisa felt had started to lace her words and it would often come out harsher than she expected it to be. Jennie and Jisoo understood though. The night Chaeyoung had broken up with her, she came rushing to the bar, crying her eyes out nonstop as she drank loads of shot and whatever and however many drinks she needed in order to numb what she was feeling. It hurt her a lot that night. She didn't expect her first real breakup to be this painful. She thought she'd get over it in a quick second but that wasn't the case.

The night grew later and Jennie had lost count of how much Lisa had drank. She knew Lisa would throw a fit if she stopped giving her drinks, so every time she gave her a shot, she'd put in some apple juice and grand halls add more in each shot. So by the time she had given her enough, Lisa was drinking apple juice without even knowing. That's how drunk she was. Junhoe made the smart movie of not drinking at all, unlike his boss.

"I'm going to give you water, now." Jennie spoke.

"I don't fucking want any water." Lisa replied, her head feeling heavy as it lolled to the side a few times.

"Just give it to her." Jisoo said with a sigh, "She won't even notice."

"Y-Yes, I will." the blonde slurred as her eyes began to grow heavy, "Just give me the fucking alcohol. I'll pay for it this time."

"You know, you say that but you never actually pay for it." Jennie took a shot glass and filled it up with water before placing it in Lisa's hand, which she gladly drank, failing to notice it was a different liquid.

"See? She drank it anyway. She didn't notice." Jisoo whispered in Jennie's ear and smiled.

Jennie smirked at the blonde before turning her head to give Jisoo a peck on her cheek, "She's too drunk. And she said she wanted to take her bike home which has been outside since two night ago."

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