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We met up with everyone right in front of the doors, and they all had equally worried expressions on their faces.
"Umm, I think that we need to give them some answers." States a nervous Lance.
"Yeah, they deserve answers. Heck, my mom didn't even know what I did. She doesn't know I snuck back into the Garrison, she probably thinks I died." I exclaimed.
"Well, let us go first, then you and Allura follow, ok?" I just nod, as my husband and team along with my all but blood sisters.
"Look, it's Takashi Shirogane!" Someone yells, and then I feel Madeline start to toss in her sleep. I calm her down, but she starts to cry, and then I look at Coran. He nods then sprints to my room for her special necklace, it has a Balmeran crystal, and it is made from a metal that soothes people down.
"Here it is Paladin Pidge."
"Thank you Coran." I sat and put the necklace on my baby, she calms down immediately, and I sigh in relief.
"Ok, I know you want answers, but please, we have two people who can better explain them!" Shiro negotiates. Me and Allura Head out the doors to the castle, and I can see Matt in the crowd. I walk up to Shiro, and he pulls me close to him. I look at Allura and she nods.
"Ok, you want answers, and you'll get them, but first, we have to go to the Garrison. We'll explain everything there." There are protests from the Cadets and instructors, but I just glare at them. And nobody ever wants to receive that glare, scary.
"Ok, well do that." Then we head to the Garrison, and I just lean into my husbands support.
Time skip

"Ok, we want to know who the hell you people are!" The main instructor says, and me and my original team look at each other with a bit of fear.
"Umm, teal or fake identity?"
"Real, obviously, your an idiot if you thought otherwise." Some cocky cadet exclaims, then Shiro has them pinned to the wall in seconds.
"Don't, y'all, about my, Wife, like, that, ever again. She is the smartest one out of all of us here, she is probably one of the smartest people in the Galaxy, so shut your mouth Cadet." The cadet just gulps, and then Shiro walks back to me.
"I asked that because I managed to get past Garrison security with a false identity, I may or may not have been banned before I became a cadet." This shocks my team and everyone in the room.
"Well, I'm Lance. I pilot the Blue Lion." Then Lance is tackled in a group hug from his family, and he is smiling and laughing.
"My name is Jessie, I'm just Lance's wife." This shocks everyone.
"Keith, paladin of the Red lion. Brother of Takashi."
"Lena, I'm his wife."
"Hunk, yellow lion Paladin also chef."
"Cathy, wife of Hunk."
"Princess Allura of Planet Aris, daughter of the creator of Voltron. I am the sister of the green Paladin."
"You adopted me!!" I practically yell, I Starla Madeline, but she then goes back to sleep.
"Well, Takashi Shirogane, Paladin of the Black Lion, and former Galra prisoner."
"Coran, caretaker of the castle of lions, and I do other things in it to." Everyone looks at me, trying to figure out who I am.
"Well, if I tell them my name, you have to to dear brother of mine." Matt exits the crowd, and dose mock hurt.
"Fine." We both laugh, then I take a deep breath, then look my instructor in the eye.
"Pidge Gunderson, or better known as,

Katie Holt, Daughter of the Pilot and cadet from the Kerberos mission. I'm the Green lion Paladin, chief engineer of Voltron, also like number two in the whole galaxy. I'm the wife of Shiro, and this is our daughter, Madeline." This shocked people bad, they then understood why I said what I did, then the people we used to go to class with exclaimed.
"Wait, so, Pidge was a girl! And she lives in the boy dorms?!?"
"Don't remind me of that horrid time." I shudder at that horrible memory. I then punch Matt in the arm and he groans.
"Mathew Holt, crewmen of Kerberos mission, former Galra prisoner, and rebel fighter. Dear sister, you didn't explain your other job either, DNA goes to you Keith and Shiro. Oh, and Lena." We all groan, then get a stern glare from Allura, and I hit the gem on my crown thing, Lena dose the same.
"I am the Princess of Aris, adopted little sister to the Princess Allura. Madeline is the crown princess when Allura dies." I say, as I appear with my green dress.
"I'm Duchess Lena, I got this title from Marriage."
"Prince Duke or something, by adoption. Shiro adopted me wham my father died."
"Prince, my father was from Aris, but then he came to earth. He was a brother of King Alfor or something like that." Then me and Lena go back to our comfy clothes, and the crowd looks shocked, Suddenly, my mom launches herself at me. I'm engulfed in a hug, and I just lean into it.
Time skip

We have to leave earth, sadly. But we are almost gonna be able to go home. Just need like a year more to finish fighting Zarkon, then we can go back to earth, or Aris, and live normal ish lives.

Voltron Force: Code GreenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora