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Ok, so it's been a day since Madeline was named. She has been named the next ruler of Aris, and life is swell. I'm finally in my favorite pair of Jeans, brown boots, and a green shirt. My hair is in a ponytail, and I have all my cool new toys on me. I'm in the garden with Shiro and the baby, and I still am very weak. Who knew that it would take me a week after I exited the healing pod to regain my strength, not me!
"Katie, I heard something." I see Shiro, turn his head around, then grab his Beyard.
"Katie, get Madeline out of here now. Go, hide!" He yells, right as seven Galra soldiers exit the bushes, with blasters trained on ms. I scramble to get up, and I grab my infant. Then I run to the castle, I run with all I have in me. I see my hangar door glow green, then see Green rushing to my aid, till she's shot down.
"Nnooo!" I scream, as my lion crashes. I get a blaster bolt to the arm, and I fall down. I take all the impact, then quickly get up. I take out one of my mini particle barrier generator, then activate it over my daughter. Then take out my Bayard, just as ten Galra soldiers surround me. I use all my strength to defend myself, but I'm overwhelmed pretty quickly. I scream, right as everything goes black.


I heard Katie scream, before that, I saw her lion get shot down, so if she screamed, that could only mean. No. I quickly finish off the remaining soldiers, and sprint to where the sound came from, I only find my daughter in a miniature particle barrier, and Katie's Bayard on the ground. I see some blood splotches, and I also see drag marks. I collapse to my knees, as tears go down my face. I hear footsteps, and see the others racing here.
"Shiro!" Keith screams, as he rushes to my aid.
"What happened? Where is Katie?" Asks Matt, I just let the tears stream down my face.
"She, she was captured. I'm sorry, I didn't save her in time. I didn't get to my own Wife when she needed me, god I'm an idiot! I left her to defend Madeline all alone, when I knew she was still recovering from labor, I'm such an idiot!" Then I'm sobbing into Keith's shoulder.
"Shiro, your not an idiot. You just wanted to protect your family, you only did what comes natural to you. Besides, we all know Pidge, she would have fought anyway. You did all you could, this just means that we have to get her back." I just nod, then my comm goes off.
"Shiro, Shiro, can you hear me?!?"
"Katie? Katie is that you?"
"Yes, Shiro, thank god I got ahold of you. Listen to me, earth, the Galra are going to attack earth. You have to get there before they do, hurrry please. Our families, they are still on earth, and be careful, Hey are coming after Lance, Hunk and Keith. You must hurry, get off Aris, before it's too late."
"Hey you, what are you doing with that?!?"
"No, Shiro, promise me, promise me, get to earth, hit the button in the castle, it'll flash green. Do this please, promise me! Wait, no, give me that! Shir-."
"Katie!" Shiro screams, as the line goes dead. He just collapses on the ground, and everyone starts to cry.
"Oh my gosh, they they're gonna attack our home. We have to stop them, not just for Pidge, but for our families." The others nod at Lance's words. They all help Keith support Shiro as they help him to the castle. When they get to the castles area where they go for launch, the lights go out, then they hear yells of pain. The lights turn back on, and Lance and Hunk are gone, and their chairs have blood on them.
"No, we're too late." Allura states.
"No! No, we are gonna get to earth, and we are gonna protect it. Now, let's go do our jobs!" Shiro states, the others just nod, as he cradled his infant daughter in his arms.
They wormhole there, and then some buttons appear, and Shiro hits the green one, like his wife said. Suddenly, the castle fires five blasts, and they hurtle to earth, then the castle activates a cloaking device.
"Podge, you little genius!" Coran states, Shiro smiles, his wife sure was brilliant. They land, and when they do, he notices a particle barrier around the Garrison and the town that's near it. Him and everyone else stand up and go get ready for the upcoming battle, while they hope the others are ok.


Kate only knew she got the message to them, she didn't know if they would act on it. She thanked her lucky stars that the Galra only where concerned with keeping her locked up, not searching her person for any hidden weapons. She quickly ripped her one sleeve off her arm, the one that got shot, and wrapped the bleeding wound with it. She knew that she had to wait to try out the little trick she built into her necklace till she could actually see the castle. Also, then the door to her cell opened, and Lance and Hunk where thrown in. They where both a bit bloody and beat up, but alive.
"Guys!" She exclaimed, rushing up to her friends.
"Pidge!" They say as they get up, Katie smirks, then smacks the arm bands around each of their forearms. They yelp in surprise and then yell in pain.
"What the hell Pidge! What was that for?!? What even is this?!?"
"That Lance, is something I've been working on. It acts like a portable meaning pod, it heals your wounds you get while wearing it. It also has a button, that jewel you see, is actually a Balmera crystal, if you press it, while within eye sight of the castle, theoretically your armor should come yo you."
"Yeah, Umm, I only got it to work from anywhere in the castle. So I don't know if it will work."
"Hey, let's see you do better while your pregnant!" He shrinks back and Katie just sigh, then her bracelet glows and it projected a map of earth. She quickly draw a circle around the areas where particle barriers will be needed.
"Pidge, what's that?"
"Basically, it's a fashionable version of what I have on my armor." Lance just gapes at her and she look at him quizzically.
"What? I was board while pregnant ok, I went stir crazy!" He just nods, then they all hear footsteps coming, so Pidge quickly close down all her tech for now. It just turned off when the door to our cell opened, and Lotor stepped in.
"Chain them all up on the wall, and then leave us." They are put from suspending chains, then Lotor approaches Pidge.
"Well, what do we have here? It seems like we have Princess Katie, the green Paladin. How quaint." Then she gets punched in the jaw, and made her head jerk to the side. Katie glares at the prince before she spit her blood on his face.
"Why you insolent brat!" He then smacks her, then punches her in the gut. Lance and Hunk are struggling to break free, but can't. Lotor gives each of them a black eye, and several new bruises.
"Pidge, Pidge, can you hear me?" The green Paladin moans, and then Hunk and Lance just sigh in relief. She was alive, but she was hurt. They felt the ship jolt to a stop, then they where grabbed by Galra soldiers. Then the Galra dragged them to the surface of earth, not gently mind you, and what they saw made them all gasp. The citizens of the nearby city, and the Cadets from the Garrison, all gathered before them. Pidge was unrecognizable by either group, but Lance and Hunk where Recognized immediately.
"Uncle Lance!?!?" The said two Paladins looked horrified, and Katie looked petrified when she saw her father and mother in the crowd.
"Earthlings, we have three of your own right here before you know." The Galra forcefully make them kneel, and then they get chained to the ground in that position. Pidge and Hunk's eyes widened when they realized what was happening, a public execution.
"They have brought chaos and disorder to our Galaxy, they have usurped the control from our benevolent leader, King Zarkon, and used Voltron against him. So, there punishment, to be executed in front of their people, and families, this is an example for the whole Galaxy, Don't mess with the Galra!" Then the officer brings the blade down over Pidges Head.
"Nooo!!" Katie looks up, shocked, so do the others, and they see a pissed Shiro rushing to Katie. He catches the sword with his Prosthetic arm, and then punches the Galra away, he then cuts the chains holding his wife and team mates. Once Katie is free, she jumps up and gives Shiro a bug kiss, when they separate, that's when she notices the bundle on his back.
"Shiro, you brought our daughter here? Are you crazy!?!?" She whisper yells, he looks guilty, then Katie sighs, and then she quickly attaches the band to his arm, and he reacts just like the others, just without the name drop.
"Ask questions later, right now, just give me a minute!" Katie yells, then she taps the green gem on her necklace, it glows, then she smirks as something green comes streaking towards her. She jumps up, thennis engulfed in the glow, it reccedes, and there is Pidge in her Paladin armor. She takes off her earrings, and the other paladins just yelp in shock as she now has two bayards in her hands.
"Don't even ask! Just tap the balmeran crystal on the bands so you can help me!" She yells, as she takes the baby from Shiro. The others do so, and then are engulfed in their lights. Katie runs over ish by the Garrison, and smirks.
"Sorry, but you'll forgive me one day, not like I hacked your laptop!" Then she throws her portable particle barrier and it forms over the cadets and enraged looking teacher.
"KATIE HOLT!!" She just laughs and then puts the barrier over the citizens, she then sees the Altean pod hovering above the battle.
"Will you Gori get your Quiznacking butts down here! We kinda need you all, especially you mullet!"
"For the last time, I have a name!" Keith yells as he jumps out of the pod, and then joins his brother fighting. Allura and the Girls all jump down and join Pidge. They battle and defeat all the soldiers, but then a Robeast appears.
"Ohh, come on!!" Lance yells.
"Guys, we have to get to the lions!" Shiro yells.
"No need, they'll appear for us." Katie states excitedly, then she grabs five different colored stones from her pocket.
"Seriously?!? You had way to much time while you where pregnant!" Lance exclaimed.
"I know!" Katie retorted, as she handed each of them a stone.
"Ok, just do what I do, but be careful, it will feel weird." Then Katie fill on sprints towards the monster, and throws the rock at the ground, and jumps. As a bright green glow shines and blinds everyone in the process. Then a roar is heard, and the Paladins look to see the green lion making its way to the monster, and it's working.
"Ok, let's go with Pidge on this." Shiro Says, as he follows his wives lead. Soon, Purple, Blue, Red, and Yelliw are all that was visible. Then the lions are now all in the fight.
"Hey, I recognize that blue lion, these are those Cadets from four years ago!!" Yells the instructor, the Paladins just laugh at that memory.
The wives then run full sprint at the monster, jump and activate the vehicles Katie made hem while she was pregnant. They are like awesome looking jet packs, that actually fly for long durations of time. They detract the monster for the lions to form Voltron, but then Katie remember Madeline is still with her.
"Oh quiznack." She says, right as they are hit with a beam. The others heard an infants crow of pain, and Pidge scream.
"Shoot, Katie, was that Madeline ?!?"
"Yes, I need to get to Coran, or Allura." The paladins But her one minute, to hand her child to Allura for protection. Then they defeat the robeast.


We defeated the tobeast, and then went back to the castle. I recalled my portable particle barriers, and then exited my lion, to see my husband waiting for me. I leap into his arms, then we kiss. We beak apart, then we change out of our armor, I quickly shower, and then I get into my favorite outfit. We head to find the princess, and then we get our daughter back.
"Katie, you must wear your Arusian crown."
"Fine, but I don't want to." I mumble some other stuff, then put on my silver head thingy, it has a green balmeran crystal adornin it, with a few emeralds surrounding that. I go to put Madeline into some new clothes because hers smell of battle field. We emerge with me in presentable clothes, and my baby in purple on-see with green socks on. Shiro rushes to us, he looks worried.
"Katie, everyone is at the entrance of the castle, they are demanding answers and for us to turn ourselves in." I just look at our daughter with fear in my eyes.
"No, we are gonna talk with them, but in no Galaxy, no universe, am I ever gonna let them stop me from doing my goddamed job." Shiro just nods, then we hold hands and head to meet he others.

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