His phone vibrates right when he's about to shut it off, and he looks to see a text from Lottie.

Lottie: can Mum and I take Harry out to lunch today? are you guys busy???

Louis: mmmm i don't know about that chief

Louis: i don't want u two scaring him off

Lottie: oh come onnnnn

Lottie: we barely got to talk to him at the shower!!





Lottie: Mum rlly likes him and so do i and i wanna talk w him more plsssss

Louis: ugh i'll ask him

"Hey, babe, Lottie wants to know if you want to grab lunch with her and my mum later," Louis mentions, looking over to see Harry's face getting licked by Ozzy.

"Sure," Harry giggles, scrunching his nose and laughing as Ozzy licks his cheek again. Louis can't help but smile.

"Maybe while you're gone I can finish up the nursery," Louis mentions. Harry raises his eyebrows, shoving Ozzy's face away gently only for Ozzy to lick him again.

"You sure?" Harry asks cautiously.

"All we really have to do his paint for now," Louis points out. "All the furniture and stuff is coming next week. And you can't paint, because of the fumes."

Harry sighs. "Okay, yeah. The paint colour I picked out is on the counter."

"You've got it," Louis leans over Ozzy to give Harry a kiss on the cheek, wiping his mouth off when he realises the dog had been looking Harry there moments ago.

There are two paint samples on the counter, and Louis can't remember which one Harry wanted.

There's a pale green and a pale yellow. Harry had tried to ask Louis' opinion, but Louis had just patted Harry's cheek and told him to do whatever he wanted. Harry did tell Louis what he decided, but it was at four in the morning, when Harry was crying over the baby not liking the colour, so Louis doesn't recall which it was.

He refuses to text Harry and ask him. Harry knew he couldn't handle it. Louis is too stubborn to admit that he was right. So, he takes both of the samples to the store and decides he'll make his best guest when he gets there.

When he arrives, he takes both the paint samples out of his pocket. "Uh," He twists his mouth before handing the yellow to the woman behind the counter. "I think I'm getting this one."

The woman raises her eyebrows, but she gives Louis a smile and takes the paint sample from him. Ten minutes later, he has his bucket of yellow paint. He's getting more and more confident that this is the right one. There's a fifty-fifty chance.

Except, he doesn't know how the fuck to paint a room. So, he calls the one person who seems to know how to do everything.

"What if it isn't the right colour?" Liam asks as he follows Louis to the guest room. Louis huffs, carrying the bucket of paint as he opens the door to the guest room.

"Could you have a little more faith in me, please?" Louis sets the bucket of paint down, taking the sheets and painters tape from Liam. "Well, it better be. I didn't want to call him, because I knew there'd be a whole crying session over how I never listen to him."

"Well, he'd be right," Liam points out. Louis glares at him.

"You're not being very helpful, mate," He sighs. Liam shrugs as Louis looks around the empty room.

"You okay?" Liam asks softly when he notices Louis is just looking around the room.

"Yeah," Louis mumbles. "Just...thinking. There's going to be a baby in here in a few months. That's kind of scary."

He can feel Liam rest his hand on his shoulder. "Well, yeah, it's scary," Liam agrees. "But you're totally ready."

"You think so?" Louis chuckles.

"'Course," Liam grins. "She's going to have a dad who works at Buzzfeed and knows how to skateboard. She's going to brag about how cool you are all the time."

Louis won't admit it, but that statement leaves a pang in his chest. His daughter bragging about how cool he is? He smiles widely, bending down and picking up a sheet before handing it to Liam. "We've got some work to do, Payno."


Louis stands up from the sofa, grinning at Harry as his boy smiles at him wearily. "Hey, how was lunch?" He asks, walking over to peck Harry on the lips.

Harry's eyes travel down to Louis' shirtless torso, and he pouts. "You have not gained five pounds," He mumbles before shrugging his jacket off. "It was fun. Got to hear lots of stories about you."

Louis' face falls. "Oh, dear Jesus."

Harry giggles, and Louis pecks his lips again. "Do you want to see the nursery? I've got some fans going in there, and the windows open, so I don't think the fumes will be too bad."

"Of course," Harry smiles. Louis takes Harry's hand and helps him up the stairs, leading him to the nursery.

Harry grins as soon as he sees it. "Wow, it looks really good, Lou."

Louis doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "This isn't the colour you chose, is it?"

"No," Harry admits, but he leans into Louis a little bit. "But I do like this one. It'll look good with the white furniture."

"Liam had to help, I've never painted a room before," Louis admits with a sheepish smile. Harry laughs, leaning over and kissing Louis' cheek.

"You're cute," He mumbles. "I'm going to go take a shower, care to join me?"

"Yes please," Louis grins, and Harry laughs again.

One Night Stand » L.S. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें