A Roll of the Dice

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~ Welcome! If you have not read at least the first two books of my Descendant of Merlin series, I strongly suggest you do. Much of this will not make sense if you have not read DoM as this is technically a spin-off. I know this story may be controversial, but if you enjoy Isabella's relationship with Severus then, perhaps you can trust me enough to give this one a try. If you are a fan of Wolfstar, I ask you to find it in your heart to give Wolfstone a chance for a time. It will take nothing away from all of our love for Teddy and Tonks.

Simon Baker is cast as James Fellstone

The wonderful cover was provided by the immensely creative and ever-talented  SamanthWilde

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The wonderful cover was provided by the immensely creative and ever-talented SamanthWilde. I am very grateful for her support.

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoy! ~

Remus Lupin wandered slowly along the barely visible trail leading to the small sheepherding community he was planning to stay the night in. He winced as the large owl currently perched on his right shoulder dug its claws into him.

"None of that now Odin," he chided gently. "Why don't you go hunt? You don't have to babysit me constantly."

There was a sudden rush of air directly in front of him followed immediately by the appearance of a man in wizard's robes. Remus instinctively reached for his wand. The man noticed this and gave a crooked smile.

"Sorry if I startled you. I've been trying to track you down for over a week, but you cover your tracks well," the newcomer complimented, running a hand through his copper-blonde curls. Remus eyed him skeptically.

"Might I ask why you've been tracking me?"

"Ah yes, allow me to introduce myself. My name is James Fellstone, father to one Isabella Marie Fellstone. You are Remus Lupin, am I correct?" Remus' curiosity was growing, but he still did not release his wand until the owl on his shoulder flapped his wings and swooped over to light on James. "Hello Odin, what are you doing so far from Hogwarts?" James greeted the owl with a scratch under the chin. The owl responded with a friendly nip at his fingers.

"He won't leave," Remus confessed awkwardly. "Isabella sent me a letter a few weeks back, and he hasn't left me since. I've tried, but I think the ruddy bird feels he has to look after me."

James tilted his head, one hand still absently stroking the bird's feathers. He appraised Remus from head to toe, taking in his disheveled appearance. Remus was worn and weather-bitten and had obviously been sleeping on the ground for several nights. His cloak was old and threadbare but well-mended by fine magic. James' overall opinion was that Remus looked on the verge of dropping, and yet he was absolutely beautiful. His chocolate eyes were deep and soul-full, and it must only be by some great exertion of will that the man kept himself upright. James wasn't yet satisfied, however, and so he pushed his attraction away.

"When's the last time you've eaten?" he asked plastering a friendly expression on his face. Remus shifted uneasily, not sure whether to lie or not. James, thankfully, didn't give him time to make that decision. "I'd like to speak with you. There's a decent tavern in the town hidden inside that big hill over there that knows how to cook a good steak, as long as you like it on the rare side." He gave Remus a wink that prickled at the back of Remus' neck. He decided to respond carefully.

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