"Of course son. Goodbye Hennessy, Alexander, see you later." Tom said, standing up. They both walked away and Hennessy turned to him and was wearing a shocked face.

"What the hell! That was so rude!" She lightly slapped his chest and he chuckled, grabbing his scotch.

"I wanted to be alone with you."

"How sweet, I am going to go grab some more lemon water. Do you want anything?" Hennessy said, standing up.

"No. I'm okay. Have fun." Alexander said, watching her weave through tables to the bar.

Hennessy asked the bartender for lemon water, and she sat down on a stool. Tracing her finger along the marble countertops, as she spaced out, until a man sat next to her.

"Hello, Hennessy is it?" The man said, leaning towards her. He ran his fingers down her arm, but she gently turned away.

"Yes. Who are you."

"I am an old friend of Alexander. You are his new girl?" He said, getting up and standing next to her.

"Why do you care?" Hennessy said, debating whether or not to just deal without her lemon water.

"I will get you a drink." He said, waving over the bartender.

"No thank you. I already ordered lemon water."

"I will grab it for you." He said, walking to the other side of the bar. As soon as he left, Hennessy turned around, her eyes searching for Alexander. But there were too many people.

"Shit." She whispered. Turning back around, whoever was grabbing the drink for her was taking a while. Right as Hennessy was about to just leave, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"I'm back!" The man said, holding out her drink.

"Yay." Hennessy said flatly. Grabbing her lemon water, taking drinks of it and standing up.

"Do you want to hang out." He said, once again leaning into her personal space and touching her arm.

"I'm fine. I've got to go. Thanks for grabbing my water." She took another drink to get out of her grasp, smiled sweetly, and walked back towards Alexander.

Taking in all the rich, privileged faces, as she tried to find Alexander's. She spotted him and smiled, waving at him. He smiled his award winning smile back, and Hennessy almost tripped over her own feet. As she was too consumed in Alexander's smile.

"I got my water." She said, sitting down at the table, and taking another long sip of her water while looking at him.

"I see. It took you a bit."

"I know. There was this creepy guy at the bar. He said he was your friend? I don't know. It was weird." Hennessy debated on telling him but knew she should.

"Fuck, it was probably Ryan. He's a creep. Stay away." Alexander said, knowing his history with girls.

"Mmhm. Okay."

After an hour or so, Hennessy was a completely different person. She was slurring her speech and breathing very fast.

"Hennessy, in and out like this." Alexander said, breathing with her. Though hers didn't slow.

"I don't feel well, Xander." She mumbled, slouching in her seat.

"I know. Let's go. I will take you to the hospital if it gets any worse." He said, helping her up.

"Stop yelling please. I'm sorry if I made you mad." She said softly, standing up, while still hyperventilating.

"I'm not yelling. You didn't do anything. Shit. Come on." They stumbled to the exit, gaining peoples stares. They made it outside and Hennessy fell into Alexander.

"I'm tired, Xander." Hennessy mumbled, and he motioned for the valet to pull his car around.

"I know baby. Come on. Let's get to the car." He said, as she leaned all her weight on him.

"No. We have to stay for you." She closed her eyes and slowly slid to the ground, and Alexander realized she passed out

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