chapter ten

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Alexander walked into the kitchen, suit-clad and ready for work. What he wasn't expecting though, was Hennessy to be standing there at the oven making bacon and eggs. She had coffee brewing and was listening to music on low volume. Walking around in flannel pajama pants and a tank top that said 'deck the halls'.

Shit, was it getting to be Christmas time already? Alexander checked his phone- December 1st. Well not close, but still. He needed to get her something. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him.

"Hi, Hennessy."

"Good morning, Xander. How are you doing today?" She said smiling at him as she turned around, grabbing a coffee cup from the cupboard.

"I'm alright. I have to head out to work today."

"Okay. How do you take your coffee."

"Black. What do you like Hennessy?" When Alexander said this, she looked at him and almost burned herself with the coffee pot.

"What?" She was surprised by the question all the sudden, what was he on about?

"What do you enjoy. Your guilty pleasures. If you could go on a shopping spree, what would you get." Alexander said, deeply wanting to know.

"Um. I really like blankets. I can go into any store and find 5 blankets I want." She said, chuckling to herself as she flipped the bacon. Alexander wondered to himself, as he didn't see any blankets when they visited her apartment. Probably because she couldn't afford things like blankets when she was stripping for money.

"And candles. God, like a good pumpkin Bath and Body Works candle is the fucking best thing. Oh!! And don't judge, but stuffed animals. They are just so cute." Hennessy realized she was rambling and quickly stopped herself.

"Ha. Blankets and candles, you are a pretty simple girl." He muttered as she placed a plate of bacon, eggs and toast.


"You aren't going to have anything?" Alexander was worried about her, between this and the night before he hoped she was taking care of herself.

"No, I already had some toast. But let me know if you need anything, I will be cleaning upstairs."

"Um, alright. I will be back around 6. Okay?"

"Okay. See you later Xander." She smiled at him as she walked away, going upstairs.

And they parted ways until 6pm. Hennessy started her day by making Alexander's bed, refilling the flower vase. She then walked towards her own room, changing into shorts and a oversized sweatshirt. Hennessy was going to head down to the store, both to get out of the house and to get groceries. Throwing on her shoes she headed out the door.

Browsing the aisles at the grocery store, Hennessy's cart was already half full, as Alexander gave her some money for shopping so she got whatever she wanted. Putting some pepperoni in her cart, turning around she saw a face that she never wanted to see again. She quickly deserted her cart and ran out of the store. But he already spotted her and ran after her.

"Hennie, Hennie, Hennie. Oh how I never thought I would talk to you again."

"Get away!" She yelled. Running now to her car. She pulled her phone out and unlocked it, scrolled to the first person she could think of.

"That never worked before sweetie. Come here." He said, and by now Hennessy had unlocked her car, but he caught up.

"Stop it! Fucking stop!" She said, but all she received was a slap across the face, making her shut up. She was staring him straight in the face, and he was wearing a menacing grin.

"Once again, that never worked you slut! Now listen to me. I know you are that billionaires maid. I want you to quit and come back to me honey! I miss you so much." He said, lightly grazing her cheek with his hand. Hennessy clicked the call button on her phone and prayed to god he answered.

Alexander was sitting in a meeting, listening to all the accountants about the projections for the next year. As usual, they were great. Skyrocketing as per usual. 

"Thank you very much Joshua." He said to one of the accountants.

"Of course sir. And Ms. Lawrence here has the  companies that are interested in partnership."

"Okay. Take it away Ms. Lawrence." Alexander said, and he couldn't help but look at her backside in the tight skirt she was

"Well, first of all Ether Corp-" She said, but Alexander's phone buzzed. He looked down and saw Hennessy's name light up the screen.

"Excuse me." He held up his hand and and left the conference room, answering the phone.

"Hello, Hennessy?" Alexander said, concerned as to why she was calling him.

"-remember? What you did to me?" Her voice said distantly. He could tell that she was distressed.

"I'm so sorry baby. I promise I'm not like that anymore." A man's voice came through the speaker. Baby? Who was that.

"Fuck you! You know that's a lie!" She said, and he heard sudden rustling.

"Don't you DARE talk to me like that!" The man yelled again, and Alexander only got angrier. Who had the right to yell at Hennessy? No one.

"Let me go." Her small voice said, and it just made Alexander even more mad. He liked it so much better when she was outgoing, sarcastic.

"See you later, Hennie." That doucebag said. He heard more rustling then Hennessy's voice came over, it was very shaky and he was sure she was crying.

"Hi, Alexander."

"What happened, Hennessy?"

"Nothing, I was grabbing some groceries and I ran into someone who I knew. I'm so sorry, I couldn't get the groceries."  He could tell she was trying to keep her voice even, but it wasn't working.

"I don't care about the groceries, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. See you later." She hung up and Alexander was left staring blankly at the screen. He knew she wasn't okay. But he had to finish the meeting and he hated himself for that. He entered the conference room and sat back down.

"Okay. Let's get this finished." Alexander said, no longer looking Ms. Lawrence's backside, just wanting the meeting to be over.

Hennessy got out of the car, going back into the  store. She headed straight for the bath section. She grabbed a pack of razors and checked-out. Going back to her car and driving straight towards the house.

She got out as she parked in the driveway, still with tearstained eyes. Hennessy entered the house and walked straight for one of the bathrooms. She teared open the package and grabbing one of the razors. She pulled up her sweatshirt sleeve and ran it across the thin, delicate skin.

Blood pooled around the cut, and the pain reminded her of what she was. A slut. A punching bag for people like George, and Thomas.

Hennessy sat crying on the toilet forever. She threw away the bloody razor and looked at herself in the mirror. She hated what she saw. So, pulling down her sleeves, she walked out to the kitchen and started making dinner.

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