chapter two

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Hennessy was headed home, and she got into her old 1997 Honda Accord. She put the key in and cranked up the heat, as it was the dead of winter. She popped in the aux cord, playing her Spotify playlist.  She was stopped at a stoplight, and was tapping her finger to the beat of the music.

"I got the horses in the back, horse tack is attached." Hennessy sang along, feeling better now that she wasn't at work. 

She pulled up to her apartment complex, which was in the neighborhood that people called 'the shitshow of the town'. Hennessy grabbed all her things from the passenger seat, her purse, food and hand soap she bought. She slowly walked up the stairs, not wanting to slip on the ice.

As she was unlocking her tiny apartment, her head was still stuck on what happened in that room. With Alexander. Why did he say those things? Why did he have to stress her out that way? All the sudden she felt sick- very sick. Hennessy dropped all the items in her hands and ran to her tiny bathroom, lifting up the toilet seat.

After she was done, you could say, in the bathroom she brushed her teeth of the scent and walked back into the living room/kitchen. She slouched on the couch, not bothering to put her groceries away, leaving them in the entryway. 

She told herself she had to go to work tomorrow, as she needs her paycheck to be as big as possible. Even though big wouldn't be the right way to describe it. Despite working at the world known, five star hotel, the pay was shit. But Hennessy did not want to go back to the job she had before, for reasons she didn't like to loom on. Hennessy started to doze off, and hoped that she would be able to sleep away her illness.

At the same time Hennessy was throwing up in her toilet, Alexander was out getting drunk with his friends.

"What's wrong?" Brian, Alexander's best friend asked him.


"Come on. I know when something is up with you." Brian said, nudging him lightly. 

"So you know how i'm staying at The W?" Alexander sighed, taking a swig of his tequila 

"Ha! You only mention it every time you see me." Brian said, rolling his eyes.

"Anyway. I walked into my room, but there was a housekeeper in there. And fuck! She was gorgeous."

"Gorgeous on your scale or mine."

"Yours." Alexander said, staring Brian in the eyes as he took a swig, finishing it off.

"Really man! Then go for it. Even if you don't like her, just go for a fuck and chuck. No one could say no to Alexander Dalton."

"I don't know. We talked yesterday and she didn't seem too interested." He confessed, waving over the waitress to get another drink. 

"Well then give her something to be interested in." Brian chuckled and walked away leaving Alexander at the table alone with his thoughts. He wanted to treat Hennessy as more than just a quick bang. She deserved more than that. He had a plan formed, and just prayed that they would run into each other again.

The next morning, Hennessy woke up with a terrible headache and she almost cried when she realized she had to get out of bed. She felt awful, but knew she had to go into work. Throwing on her stereotypical maid uniform in a zombie like fashion, she didn't eat any breakfast because she knew it would come back up, taking some pain pills then headed to her car.

Hennessy drove in silence, which she never did. Normally her music was on and she was bopping to the beat. But not today.

She turned her windshield wipers on, because the windows were getting caked with fresh snow. Every little thing just made her more angry. When a car swerved in front of her, she blasted the horn, getting even more ticked off. Hennessy just wanted to be home, lying in bed. But she had responsibilities.

Hennessy got her list of rooms. 20. Shit. Somebody must've called out. She knew she needed to get a head start so she grabbed her cart and made her way to the first room.

"Housekeeping!" Hennessy said, knocking on the door. When no response was heard, she walked in, 20 minutes later she left, closing the door behind her and walking to the next room. She closed her eyes and slouched against the cart, until she felt someone touch her shoulder.

"What?" Hennessy opened her eyes, to see Alexander next to her with a concerned look at his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked, and Hennessy felt the urge to roll her eyes.

"Peachy." Hennessy sarcastically replied, and she started walking down the hall.

"I'm serious, you don't look to good."

"Just what someone wants to hear."

"Hennessy! You look like your at deaths door, tell me what's up." Hennessy jumped when he raised his voice, and she kept walking down the hallway.

"I got sick last night." She said, looking over to him sadly.

"And you still came into work? Jesus, you need to rest."

"I couldn't miss a day, this place pays shit and I need all the hours I can get."

"Come here." Alexander sat on the floor, motioning for her to sit next to him.

"I'll get in trouble." Hennessy shook her head, staying standing.

"It will be fine. Sit down." He said, and Hennessy rolled her eyes, but reluctantly walked over and sat next to him.

"My boss is going to kill me." She whispered, and Alexander put his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it."

"Shit Alexander. What are you doing. I don't even know your last name, what you do, you're a complete fucking stranger." Hennessy rambled, scared that this man was going to try and kill her.

"Dalton is my last name, and I really want to be more than just strangers." He said, and she moved in closer, her head leaning on his chest. There was silence for a long time, and Alexander thought she fell asleep.



"That's my last name." She said, and Alexander's natural response was to pull her closer, wrapping her in a hug.

"It's pretty."

"It's been a long time since I've had a hug as nice as this. Please, don't let go yet." She whispered, and her words got muffled by his shirt so she didn't think he heard.

"I won't."

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