Mila releases me from our hug and looks at me with a concerned look spread across her face "Are you sure this is what you want?"

I get up ignoring the stinging of the fall from earlier and look at everyone "Thank you, but this is what he would've wanted too..."

~FLASHBACK to a video call with Yuri when they both got back into contact~

"Wait wait, why was Takeshi acting like that if he knew you had a thing for me?" I say chuckling.

"Oh shut up!" Yuri says hiding behind his pillow blushing "You thought I liked Yuuko too I honestly thought you were rejecting me before I could even confess!!"

I put my hand over my mouth to hide my laughing "Sorry..." I sit up against the headboard of my bed and put the laptop on my lap "Anyways how are you doing? You think you'll feel fine enough to fly out to visit me soon~!"

"Disgusting don't come cause then it's going to be mating season in this dorm room!" Yurio screams from his bed across the room.

"YURIO!!" I turn over to look at him blushing madly "If Yuri comes we'll get a hotel!!"

Yuri laughs nervously "I don't know yet... My surgery is coming up so everything will depend on what happens." He sighs heavily and leans back against his chair.

"Maybe I should head back then huh? You'll need emotional support." I pet Makkachin next to me "I don't mind if you say you need me..."

"Ugh gross." Yurio turns over gagging.

"No you need to stay over there for your team. They need you more than I do right now." Yuri smiles.

"Are you sure? There'll always be more competitions but there won't be another Yuri." I looks away blushing lightly "that probably makes no sense but I know you know what I meant."

Yuri's whole face turns bright red "I know..." he says embarrassed "Seriously though I'll be mad if you drop everything just to see me..."

"Alright then..." I yawn slightly as my eyes drop "I'm all tired out."

"YOU SHOULD BE YOUVE PIGS HAVE BEEN TALKING FOR HOURS! ITS LITERALLY 4 IN THE MORNING!!" Yurio gets up from his bed and starts shouting.

"Wait really it's early morning in Japan; I forgot about the time difference..." Yuri smacks his forehead "Sorry to keep you up... goodnight..."

"Goodnight~ And call me back tomorrow." I close the laptop, ending the call.

"YOU MEAN TODAY?!" Yurio throws a pillow at my face "FINALLY I CAN SLEEP."


'Of course it hurt me to stay here knowing how much pain he must be in at the moment... but Yurio and Georgi are right, I can't do anything, I'm useless to him.' I start to practice again later that night trying to get the whole situation out of my mind 'Only a few more days until the competition... a few more days and then I'll fly out to see him and hopefully he'll be awake by then.' I stop and start writing down the moves I've decided to go with this dance.

Author's POV:

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Yuuko walks into the surgery waiting room and looks over to Yuri's mom.

"Yuri is a strong boy... he's been through so much he'll be able to endure even this, I don't doubt it for a minute." His mother looks up from praying silently to herself.

Yuuko sits down next to her and hands her an ice tea can from the vending machine "The doctor did say there were some concerns earlier though..."

"Like what?" Yuri's mom looks at Yuuko worried.

Inside the surgery room there's two surgeons prying open Yuri's chest with a medical knife, another one shoves a tube down his throat to control his breathing, nurses hook him up to a bypass machine to circulate his blood, and a doctor rushes in through the sliding doors with a jar that contains a single donor lung.

"We need another lung they're both torn horribly!" One of the surgeons yell.

"Are these branches?!" The other surgeon starts to separate one of the lungs and puts it on the examination table "What the hell..." He stares at it confused.

"Sir look at the patients status!!" The nurses yell as the heart monitor starts to go beep faster.

"He's unstable!" The doctor rushes in and puts down the jar to help out.

As they all rush to Yuri's side the heart monitor starts to be the only thing you can hear in the room. Trying to focus and do the best that they can in such short time, the rapid beating starts haunting them as it suddenly goes completely silent. Flatline.

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

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