Chapter 3: Explosions of Song

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Angel of Music

By:Hannah Lancaster

Chapter 3:Explosions of Song

Who knows when love begins? Who knows what makes it start? One day its simply there... alive inside your heart.”

I opened my eyes, and stared at the class of my peers as I continued singing. I watched the sneer slowly start to slip from Carol's face.

Its slips into your thoughts, it infiltrates your soul. It takes you by surprise, then seizes full control...”

I continued singing, and gloried in everyone's expression... especially Carol's. I knew my voice was good, though not professionally trained. I had rough spots to work out, but my voice was still tolerable to the ear.

Hearts may get broken...” I sang, then noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I glanced towards the door, still letting my voice ring out.

Lord Radcliffe was leaning against the door frame, just behind Meg. His right cheek was lifted in a half smile, and his blue eyes sparkled as he caught my gaze with his own. A small yellow glow filled me as I noticed the approval in his eyes.

I glanced back at the students as I reached the peaking high notes at the end of the song.

I took a deep breath, belting it out.

Life may be fleeting...Love lives on!” I bowed my head to indicate that I was done, and I heard nothing but silence.

Was it bad? I thought I performed it quite well... I thought to myself, suddenly feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

Then a small hesitant clap began... then another...another. The whole classroom suddenly burst into a fit of applause.

Startled, I looked up and noticed everyone was clapping for me... Carol even had a look of grudging respect in her eyes.

The music teacher stood up from the piano and bowed to me respectively. I inclined my head in response.

“That was very good, mademoiselle.” he said, and he had a large grin plastered across his aging face. He reached out to take my hand, he bowed over it and kissed it. “I am Monsieur Giles, your music teacher.”

“An honor to meet you, monsieur,” I replied back, and smiled.

Monsieur Giles let go of my hand and turned back to the class. He clasped his hands together gleefully.

“Alright class, let us begin today's lesson...”


“Christine, that was amazing!” Meg gushed as we toured around the school. “I had no idea you could sing like that.”

“Niether could I,” I admitted shyly. “Something seemed to take over me, and the whole world fell away as I sang.”

Meg snickered. “Did you see the look on Carol's face? Priceless! It was about time someone took her down a peg or two.”

I smiled and said nothing.

“You did quite well, Miss Darby.” A male voice said from behind us, and I turned to find Lord Radcliffe standing behind us, a red rose in his right hand. He walked up to me and extended it. “For you, mademoiselle.”

Madame Helene cold voice rang out on the other side of me.

“Pilfering from our gardens are you, monsieur?” she asked, her voice hard.

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