Chapter 2

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Kind of short, sorry XD but This was kind of a filler chapter I had a bit of writers block for a while. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit longer and hopefully no promises will be up sometime at the end of this week.

Kay well Read on! Vote and comment if you want.

I woke up happy and with a smile on my face, despite the fact I had to watch my sisters all day. I quickly walked into my bathroom, did my morning routine, and changed. I hurried downstairs to my sisters. Lynda and Essie’s voices were calling for me to make them cereal still, which I had woken up too. I grabbed the cereal each of them wanted, poured it into a bowl, grabbed the milk, and did the same. I started the oven to make Karen and I toast, as she groggily trudged down the stairs.

“It’s the Giant!” My youngest sister yelled and hid under the table; nearly knocking her cereal onto the floor.

Karen snickered and said “Fee Fi Foe Fum. I’ve come for a hug from little Essie.” Essie poked her head from underneath the table and ran to give Karen a hug.

I gasped in fake shock, “Where’s my hug Essie! I made you cereal!” Lynda rolled her eyes.

“But Sydni,” She whined, “I give you hugs all the time. It’s Karen’s turn.” I shook my head with a smile and turned to take out the toast before it started burning. I passed Karen apiece and sat down at the table with my sisters.

“So, Lynda, Essie, and Karen; what do you want to do today?” I asked the three of them. They spoke quietly together before they nodded at each other and Lynda spoke up.

“Can we go to the park?” Lynda asked and I nodded.  Lynda and Karen ran upstairs to get dressed, while I carried Essie upstairs to help her get dressed. I grabbed her favorite jeans with the butterfly pockets and helped her wiggle them on. I looked around searching for her plain blue t-shirt.

“Essie! Where is your shirt?” I called. Essie poked her head in the door, her arm stretched out, with her blue shirt in hand.

“Lynda had it in her laundry.” She exclaimed and skipped over to me. I rolled up the shirt and pulled it over her head. She stuck her arms through the sleeves and ran to the bathroom. I followed her there and took the brush she extended towards me. After I finished brushing her hair I checked to make sure Lynda and Karen were dressed and we left for the park.

I took Lynda and Essie’s hands and we walked the two blocks to the park. We all walked to the swings and I helped Essie on the first one. As I pushed her and Lynda alternately I couldn’t help but think about Adrian. I couldn’t help but think about how warm I felt in his arms; and how his kisses made me forget about everything that was happening. That sounds Cheesy, Clique even, I know. I just can’t help it; I love that boy so much. When I’m with him everything seems right.

“Sydni, Earth to Sydni?!” Karen said waving her hands in front of my face.

I jolted away from her hands, “What? Huh? Yeah?”

“It’s time for Essie’s nap?” She said and raised an eyebrow. I looked past her to see Essie’s head bobbing as she was falling asleep on the swing I was still mechanically pushing. I stopped the swing gently and lifted her up. Lynda and Karen ran ahead, chasing each other, playing tag.

We arrived home and I let us in. I quickly tucked Essie into bed and went to make the girls lunch. Once that was done, I left them to eat and watch TV. I hiked upstairs in my room and lay on my bed. I stared up at my ceiling for a few moments. Not thinking, just relaxing. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my bedside table. I scrolled though my texts, a few were from my parents telling me to take care of my sisters and what time they’ll be home. I sat it down for a moment before it started ringing.

“Hello.” I answered the phone not really checking to see who had called.

“Hey Beautiful,” Adrian’s smooth voice drawled, I chuckled. My heart beat faster in my chest giving me a warm feeling.

“Hi babe, I miss you,” I bit my lip, my heart still pounding.

“I do too, cutie.” he chuckled. Before I could say anything his father’s voice rang in the back ground. He was calling Adrian to help him with something.

“Ah, Well I got to go Beautiful, I love you.” He quickly said.

“I Love you too,” I said and meant it.

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