Chapter 2: Who the fuck was water girl?

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Margo slammed open the two excessively large entrance doors to Fillory's castle. Stressed and exhausted Margo flopped down onto her throne. She closed her eyes and sunk into the carved mahogany throne like it was a Lazy Boy couch.

Eliot peeked around the entrance door knowing that he was in big trouble for leaving her.

"Eliot i know you're there" announced Margo in only a tone that Eliot knew was bad news. Eliot slowly emerged from hiding.

"Bambi-" Eliot was cut off with a sharp glare from Margo. Margo rolled her eyes and slumped back down in her throne.

"It's fine El. You where only trying to save your ass. But next time tell me you're gonna run off before i go slay your dragons for you. ok?" Margo exhorted.

"Yeh sorry about that." Eliot immediately apologised. Eliot stepped a little closer and squinted with concern. "What the fuck actually happened to you out there?"

"Don't get me started." Margo ranted.


"Sounds like a Siren." Eliot declared.

"A siren? Like the ones in stories about pirates? Like 'ARrrr me hartey' pirates?" Margo asked astounded. "I didn't think those things existed in Fillory?"

"Well that's where you're wrong!" Eliot chanted.

"Yeh duh i just witnessed one, with my own two eyes, save my goddamn ass El." Margo shot with a dead pan glare at Eliot.

"Yeh, well thats where it gets interesting." Eliot directs Margo into the Fillory castle library. He skims the shelves and pulls out an old books of myths and legends and flips to a page titled 'Sirens & Mermaids.' Eliot looks at Margo with a smirk and hands her the book.

Margo skims the page until she looks up at Eliot in shock. "They're extinct?"

"Until now! Margo you found, probably, the last living Siren in Fillory." Eliot exclaims

Margo snickered. "oh my god, i'm like Sir David Attenborough finding extinct animals and what not."

"Oh Bambi." Eliot cut her off. "... they're not animals. They're said here be the closest creature, from myth, to a human. They have a highly intelligent mental thought process, they know over 1 million languages and have feelings. She saved your life for a reason Margo."

Margo slumped back into her seat. "huh" Margo chuckled. "but don't all they do is go after men? Like don't they seduce them and then eat them?"

"Yeh normally, but she must've noticed you where queen or something." Eliot pondered. "Ah i got it, Girl code!" Eliot beamed.

Margo turned to Eliot with a "are you stupid" look on her face. She stood up and took the book with her.

"Hey where are you going with that?" Eliot questioned.

Margo shook the book in front of Eliot. "Homework."


The canopy of Fillory's forrest overcast shadows on Margo's complexion and her cape trailed behind her barely skimming the plantation of the forrest below her feet. She smiled and caressed the redwood trees as if they could talk to her. 

She eventually reached the same spot where she'd been saved by the siren. Margo stared out across the valley of water and snow dusted mountains. "please, please, please" she begged under her breath. "Come back to me."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath hoping that if she connected to nature she could somehow signal the siren to her like last time.

"Fuck." she spat after 10 minutes of standing by the water edge in dead silence.

Margo jolted her head back and sighed. She flicked a tear off her cheek. and gathered herself together again, readjusting her suave velvet purple cape. She took one more deep breath as she look out over the lake. She turned back to re-emerge back into the deep of the forrest.

Just as Margo disappeared, the siren stuck the top half of her head out of the water and watched Margo stride trough the woodland.

"Your highness." a ghostly voice echoed.

Margo stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to see the siren, head above the water, looking straight at her. Margo's smile beamed and eagerly sprinted towards the Siren. 

"Hello." Margo babbled as walked up to the waters edge and crouched down onto her knees to get closer to the woman in the water.

The woman jerked back a little, unsure of what to make of Margo.

"don't be scared? you shouldn't be scared. You're so brave. You scared off those dumbass pixie which hunters yesterday for me." Margo explained to her as if she was talking to a child. Margo sweetly smiled in hope to warm up to the woman in the water.

"I just wanted to say thank you." Margo explained. "Is there anything i can do in return?"

The woman hesitantly shook her head.

"Look, i heard your race is rare. Well extinct actually. I really want to get to know you and help you." Margo stressed.

The woman's facial expression turned melancholy in a matter of seconds. "I can't." the woman whispered.

"What? why can't you." Margo pleaded, puzzled.

The woman looked around in fear like someone, or something was watching her. She turned back to look Margo dead in the eyes. "I can't tell you right now but i'll meet you on that boat you have. The Muntjac, tomorrow. Don't bring anyone." the woman urged.

"Ok" Margo nodded.

The siren quickly re-emerged into the dark abyss of water, leaving no trail of where she swam off to. Margo beamed and happily let out a sigh. She'd finally found the siren. And now she can finally find out how to save her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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