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"Explain to me what happened to Malfoy's desk."

Dawlish gave Kingsley and Harry an honest looking smile, as well as a nod. "Well, Sir, I'm afraid it was all a complete accident." he began, sounding so genuine that Harry had to catch himself, "One of my recent assignments resulted in me taking a criminal into custody, and unfortunately he tried to escape while on the fourth floor. He ran into Malfoy's office and I was forced to use violence as a means to detain him, resulting in the mess."

Completely fabricated, Harry knew. But points for his creativity. He'd clearly had minimal time to think of an alibi.

Still, it was wrong.

Unfortunately, Kingsley was nodding along, writing something on the paper before him. Beside him, Malfoy narrowed his eyes and seemed a moment away from snarling. Harry saw his fists clench at his sides. 

"Would you be willing to confirm that under Veritaserum?' He hissed.

Dawlish only rolled his eyes. "Malfoy, you may have a flair for the dramatics but you don't have any authority for a suggestion like that. If Kingsley deems my reason valid, then such a request is ridiculous and unnecessary."

That was harsh, Harry thought, as he winced. He waited for Malfoy to explode into a fiery pool of rage, but was sorely disappointed when Malfoy only stared for a few moments, before rising and striding from the room. He looked oddly resigned, as if he were used to such treatment. 

Harry watched him go, a surge of guilt rearing its ugly head within him. He had said he'd help him, and yet so far he'd remained silent. It was becoming more apparent to Harry that these things happened far more frequently to Malfoy than he'd ever known. This made him feel a strange sort of pity for the man who seemed to be so alone in the world.

"...ought to be fired." Harry heard Dawlish chuckle, and he whipped his head back around to stare at the older man. 

"What?" He asked sharply. He barely recognised his own voice. 

Dawlish seemed surprised at his unexpected reaction. "Well...he is an ex- Death Eater. He clearly can't be trusted to keep his office tidy let alone protect our people! Honestly, Kingsley, it's a wonder you even hired him in the first place."

Harry was speechless for a moment. He suddenly realised the extent of the situation, and the extent of people's hatred for Malfoy; Merlin, to think he'd been enabling them, and allowed himself to indulge in such ignorance. 

"Auror Malfoy happens to be very good at his job." He snapped. 

Dawlish laughed but his eyes were confused. "Come on Harry. Yesterday you were bemoaning having to share an office with him and now you're singing his praises? Please. You don't have to defend him just because Kingsley's here. We all know he's scum."

Harry just stared. The words felt like a slap to the face and the insult wasn't even directed at him. It just didn't sit right with him that people felt it was okay to call others scum. He didn't care that Kingsley looked about to say something, perhaps to admonish Dawlish, or restrain Harry.

"Malfoy can hardly be described as scum. He is exceptional at his job because he's not wasting his time trashing his colleagues' offices."

Harry stood, anger thrumming in his chest, and prepared to leave when Dawlish's next words halted him completely.

"No, he's just torturing their muggle family members instead."

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