Chapter 44

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One boat was already gone and the next one started the engine. Those were large commercial craft boats. Matt and Harry ran towards it and jumped onto the platform. There were two guards they tried to shoot at them. They kicked their guns and hit them and punched them harder. Matt kicked one's legs and he fell to the ground. 

Another one attacked Harry but Harry jumped on him. Harry's knees hit harder on his chest and he lay on the floor. Harry chocked his throat with his strong fingers.
Matt thrown that guy into the water and Harry did the same. 

Matt looked at Harry and Harry nodded at him. 

They stepped carefully through the pile of boxes. They moved towards the cabin top. There were three more guys on there. Matt grabbed one and cupped his mouth. He dragged him behind the boxes. Harry did the same. They tied them and left behind the boxes.

"Only one left" Matt whispered.

Harry nodded and they both attacked him from behind. 
And finally the roof was all clear. 
Matt slowly sneaked into the cabin under the roof. Harry followed him. They had their gun in their hands and were fully alert. But...

The cabin was completely empty. There were no one.

"F**k" Matt cursed.

He came back to the cabin top and he stared into the boat on their front. "We are in the wrong boat" Matt said with disappointment and anger.

"Kevin, can you hear me?..." Matt asked through his communication device. 

But there weren't any answer. "F**k F**k F**k" Matt thrown his gun to the floor and cupped his own face from frustration.

"F**k where is he?" Matt yelled.

"Matt, " Harry called him.

Matt didn't even looked at him.

"Matt, look" Harry grabbed Matt's chin and made him look at the sea.

"You see?" Harry asked, pointing the other boat on their front line.

Matt looked at that boat and back at Harry "What?"

"There" Harry came a little closer to him and pointed again to the sea. Matt's eyes and body was super sensitive even in a situation like that. Harry was fully unaware of their proximity but Matt.

"Now you see?" Harry's voice stopped matt from staring him and he looked at the direction where Harry pointed.

When followed Harry's hand, he saw something. Something big.
A ship. It was a really big one. "I think these boats are going towards it" Harry said.

Matt's eyes widened. "Yessss! We must get in there." He said.

Harry glanced at Matt and Matt did the same.

"I have an idea." Harry smiled

"What?" Matt asked with interest.

Harry jerked his head with a wicked smile towards that guy who was laying on the floor unconscious. 

Matt looked at that guy and then at Harry. He smiled and grabbed Harry's shoulders.

"Who said you aren't smart?" Matt smiled.

Harry laughed "That would probably you." He said.

"Me? Never" Matt smiled and Harry did the same. Harry's smiles always makes him melancholy.

"You better not" Harry touched Matt's chest with his finger and warned him in a cute way.

Matt couldn't resist but laugh with the man in front of him
"Yeah." He nodded.

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