Chapter 19

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"Is he asleep?" Harry heard Matt's voice. And he heard more sounds. Then the lock of that door.
Harry heard the sound of a pair of shoes and. He got a faint smell of sandalwood and he felt the warm presence of someone. 
Harry blinked his eyes and found a Matt staring at him near the sofa.
"Sorry, did I woke you?" Matt backed a little and looked concerned. 
Harry slowly sat up on that sofa and glanced everywhere. "Ah Matt, ..... Oh No, It's okay" he said and he stood up.
Matt's eyes dropped to Harry's sleepy eyes and dry lips but he averted his gaze. "Where is Isaiah?" Harry asked. "He just gone." "Oh... I'm sorry I fell asleep." "Why are you apologizing?" Matt said with a smile. 
Harry smiled and rubbed his forehead with one hand. "Are you hungry?" Matt asked. "Ahm........." Harry grabbed his own belly "Really I am" he said in a sleepy voice. 
Matt smiled and walked back "All right, give me a 10 minute" "Take your time" Harry smiled and climbed to the sofa "I'm gonna wait right here" he rested his chin on that cushion.
Matt turned and walked to the kitchen with a smile. 
After 10 minute, Matt called him for dinner and they ate together the dish Matt made.
Harry complemented Matt's cooking and Matt smiled at him. 
Matt gone upstairs after their dinner and he heard a knock in his room door. 
The door of Matt's room unlocked and Harry found a shirtless Matt in front of him. "Ah.... Can I see your room?" Harry smiled. "Ours" Matt said. "Huh?" Harry raised his eyebrows.
"It's our room Harry ." Matt said and he saw the expression change in Harry's face.
"Was......It was" Matt corrected himself in a low voice. 
He stepped aside for Harry to enter.

SUDOKU ; A GAME OF LIFE (shumdario Part 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora