Chapter 11

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Isaiah gave Matt a paper roll. He looked at Isaiah Shockley. "Go and Buy" that was the command from Isaiah.
Matt opened the roll and it was long enough to reach his head to waist. He looked at Isaiah again.
"WTF?" He asked.
"Your kitchen cupboards are cleaner than your house Matt ." Isaiah said when he turned and walked. "Excuse me?" Matt called. "We are hungry Matt and take my car. I wonder how are you surviving in this jungle without food." Isaiah tossed his Car key to Matt. 
Matt catched the key and then looked at the list again. "Can I come with you?" Matt turned towards that voice. It was Harry. He was wearing a light blue button down full sleeve shirt and a pair of royal blue jeans. His hands were in his pockets and he looked at Matt hopefully. 
Matt glanced at his short haired head to bare foots.
"It is kinda boring here you know.... They are not allowing me to help,......" Harry explained.
"That would be great. He is not doing anything at all" Matt heard Isaiah's voice from that room. "Dom is not doing anything either at all" Matt mocked Isaiah. "Actually, I am" Dom appeared from the other room and he had Stella and Tiger in his hand. Actually Tiger was in his shoulder. "And I'm really busy" He kissed those cats and gone back to the room.
"So," Harry said again. 
Matt looked at Harry again. Now he was leaning to the wall and his arms were crossed. Matt's eyes lingered on him a little but he averted his gaze and turned towards the door to walk. "Wash your hands first" Matt said to Harry when he walked out. 
Harry frowned first. And then he smiled. He gone to wash his hand. 
Harry saw Matt was waiting for him inside Isaiah's Car. He walked towards him. Matt was on his phone and talking to someone seriously. Harry saw that Matt Hunged up the call when he saw him coming. 
Harry opened the passenger seat door and slouched to his seat. He can feel Matt's stares. He looked at him and smiled. Matt wasn't smiling. His eyes were on the stitch Marks on his head. "Let's go?" Harry asked.
Suddenly Matt averted his gaze.
"Your seat belt" Matt said without looking at him.
"Put . On . Your . Seatbelt . Harry" Matt looked at him and raised his both eyebrows with his voice. "Yeah... One second." Harry said after staring him a while. 
When he put on his seatbelt Matt started the engine. And the car moved on that road smoothly. Awkwardness filled the air inside the car.

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