Chapter 12

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They were silent until they reached the shopping mall. "This, put it on." Matt gave Harry a baseball cap. And Harry saw there was one in Matt's head too. 
Harry put the cap on his head. 
They walked to the hypermarket.
"Were is that list?" Harry asked. "F**k the list" That was Matt's answer. 
Harry rolled his eyes. 
Matt grabbed a basket and they moved through the rows. Matt took some packets and put those into his basket. Harry noticed the items that Matt picked. It was all his favorites. 
A woman with a baby passed by them and Harry smiled and said hi to that baby. 
Matt stopped walking and turned at Harry .
"Stay close" Matt warned. "It was just a baby"
"Whatever" "Are you always like this?, Were you?" Harry asked.
Matt just glanced at him and didn't answered.
They walked again and Matt was picking up the stuffs and checking Harry often. "You know my tastes" Harry shook his head with a smile. 
Matt glanced at that comment. He walked again.
"I know so many things about you Harry. You will be surprised." Matt said. But that wasn't a funny reply. 
Matt picked up Harry's favorite noodles pack. "How can I help you with this? This shopping?" Harry asked. 
Matt looked at him and Harry saw Matt's face lit a little.' was that a funny question?' he thought.
Matt grabbed a packet of pasta and showed it to Harry's chest. "You can cook this for me. And try not to spoil it." Harry surprised by that. He grabbed that packet. And looked at Matt surprised.
"Did I ever spoiled your pasta?" "Most of the time" Matt answered. And Harry sensed a little smile in Matt's face.
Harry sighed. "I'm sorry I'm not much helping. I don't know your tastes..." Harry got a Matt glancing at him with an expression 'seriously' . Harry cut the words.
"Actually I don't 'remember' your tastes." He corrected it. "Not a surprise" Matt shrugged his shoulders and walked again. 
They were going to pay the bill but suddenly "I will be right back" Harry said and ran towards a row. "Harry," Matt called him in nervous. 
Matt left that basket on the counter and ran towards were Harry gone. He searched the long rows and he started panicking.
"Matt," Matt turned to Harry's voice. He was right behind him with a bright smile.
"Were the hell were you?"
Matt leaned at Harry with anger and tried not to touch him. 
Harry's eyebrows dropped first and Then he smiled lightly. He shown a bunch of candy packs in his hands.
"I went to grab this. You like candys right?. You liked it... I know... Actually everyone knows." Matt looked at that candys and then back at Harry. He didn't know what to say. He knew that wasn't his returned memory. It was fact that everyone in this world knows the great Matthew Daddario loves Candys and Cows.... But this,...... This touched him. 
Matt stepped back and averted his gaze. "Let's go. And please stay close." He said without looking at him. 
He saw Harry nodding. 
They brought everything they needed. And it was 5 pm also. They left the mall and gone to reach the car.

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