You got that One Thing

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"OH MY GOD!" Were the first 3 words i heard this morning from my best friend, Nicole. "WAKE UP NOW ARIELA!"

"Not so loud, Nicole." I said back. "What's so 'OH MY GOD?'" giving her a face as I said it.

"Your mom's friend just stop by and dropped these off!" She said, shoving something into my hands.

I looked down and I saw 2 backstage passes to tonights concert. "Holy Hell!" I screamed, falling off my bed and onto the floor. "I can't believe he got them! This is crazy! We are going to meet our future husbands a.k.a. Harry Styles and Niall Horan!" I yelled.

"I know! I can't believe it! Im getting ready now!" Nicole said, getting off her bed.

"Wait.. what are you wearing?" I asked.

"Our halloween costumes, of course!" Nicole said,

grabbing her clothes that were folded up in her closet.

"Okay, but don't you think Niall will think you look funny?"

"If he thinks I look funny, then he should look at himself, I mean i'm basically wearing all of his signature clothing." She said, shaking her head.

I guess that made sense. All I could think about as I got ready was that I am going to meet the love of my life, Harry Styles.

"You girls ready? Brad said he'll be here in 2 minutes." My mom, Holly, said.

"Mom, the concert doesn't start for 3 hours and we live basically less than 10 minutes away. Why is he picking us up?" I asked.

"This is another part of your birthday surprise." She said, as I eyed her to make sure she wasn't lying.

We heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and sure enough, Brad was there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He yelled as he picked me up and hugged me. My mom and Brad have been best friends since they were kids so i've known him my entire life, which is only 18 years today.

"Thanks, "Uncle Brad"." I said, teasing him. My mom thought it would be cool to teach us to call him Uncle Brad because of their friendship but i've never done it but we do make jokes out of it and boy does my mom get mad.

"Okay girls, get into my truck and get ready for another surprise." Brad said. We walked out the door and into his truck which was blaring country music. We got in and we drove off.

When we stopped driving, Nicole slapped my hands and arms, freaking out. We were stopped in front of the concert arena and the bus was parked out back. Brad drove around to the employee entrance and shut the car off.

"You have to promise me that you will be on your best behavior. My boss said that I could only do this if you don't freak out. He told me this morning after I got the passes so if you want, I can take them and sell them." Brad said, holding out his hands.

"No way!" Nicole and I said, simultaniously. "These are ours. NO ONE can have them." I said, gripping the pass as tight as I could.

"Okay, fine. Let's go." Brad said as he got out of the car.

I was holding Nicole's hand just as tight as she was holding mine. Our grips got tighter as we walked inside of the building and down hallways. Our hands were numb when we approached a door that read ,'One Direction' and we heard laughing and a guitar.

"You girls ready?" Brad asked, smiling. All we could do was nod and he knocked on the door. We heard someone from inside say,"Ready boys?". I almost fainted. Harry Styles opened the door and pulled us inside as the rest of them started singing Happy Birthday. I started crying and Harry pulled me into a hug and held me until I finally pulled myself together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2012 ⏰

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