Part 6

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Jade stormed out of Liam’s house. She was being slightly overdramatic, but she didn’t really care at this point. She had sort of been looking for a reason to get away from things lately, and this was a good enough opportunity in her opinion.

She just felt overwhelmed by Liam lately. He was everywhere. He wanted to give her rides everywhere and spend every possible second together. She knew it was her fault he had gotten this clingy, but it still sucked to feel like everything was closing in on her.

As much as Jade wanted to ask Liam for a break, she just knew she couldn’t. And it wasn’t like there was only one reason holding her back, there were actually multiple.

First of all was the dance, which happened to be tomorrow night. She couldn’t just ditch Liam the night before the dance after so much effort had been put into just the preparations so far. Plus, Jade really wanted to go.

Second was that bloody tattoo. Liam still flashed it as much as possible. He wore short sleeves every chance he got. Everyone at the school knew about it by now, and Jade hated that. That meant Perrie knew about it. She wondered what Perrie thought about it when she had found out.

Lastly was the same phrase that Liam and Jade both said to eachother: ‘I love you’. Liam was deeply in love with Jade, and Jade just couldn’t break his heart. Sure, she didn’t love him back, but she cared for him loads. She couldn’t just break things off with him because she knew she would feel like shit for the longest time.

All of these reasons had been putting a lot of stress on Jade recently, so she did need one night away from the boy. She figured if she left now, she would be fine again for the dance tomorrow night. She hoped she would be at least. She wanted to enjoy the dance.

Jade’s excuse to leave Liam’s angrily came around while they had been watching a movie together on Liam’s couch. Jade was cuddled up against Liam, who only had an arm casually draped around her shoulder because his other hand was busy holding his phone. He was texting some people.

Jade was slightly annoyed because when she came in, he hadn’t offered her anything to eat or drink, even though she had come over right around dinner time. He just told her she could pick the movie they would watch tonight, but when she picked, he simply complained and complained about her choice.

Jade had angrily told him that they could watch what he wanted to then, but he was stubborn and kept saying that her choice would be fine, even though she knew that’s not what he thought.

Liam had done anything possible to express his boredom to Jade. First, he sighed out every half minute or so. Then he began to shift restlessly. Then he got up and went to the bathroom for ten minutes. After that, he came back and tried to start a make out session with Jade. She had refused because she was not in the mood. After a couple more minutes of trying, Liam sighed out in defeat, plopped down next to Jade on the couch, and taken out his phone. He hadn’t even been paying attention to the film at all.

Jade had acted extremely fed up with Liam’s behavior. Sure, she was really pissed, but she acted like she was extremely fuming. She had thrown Liam’s arm off of her, screamed at him for not wanting to spend time with her, and left out the door before Liam could even react.

Liam just wore her down so much to the point that she didn’t have time for anything else. She hadn’t wanted to be one of those girls who dedicated their whole life to her boyfriend, but she had ended up like that.

She knew why it had come to that. It was simple actually. Jade needed a distraction, and it needed to be a constant one. Every free minute Jade had, her mind wandered to that particular blonde that she couldn’t get out of her head. Jade needed to be with Liam constantly in order to push her thoughts about Perrie to the back of her mind. It was the only solution she had figured out so far.

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