Part 1

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Jade really liked letting her mind wander in class. She used the time when her teachers were lecturing on something she already knew to think about how it all started. She liked how it all started. That was the part she was fond of. She liked launching herself a couple of months prior to escape the negative emotions she felt now.

Jade wasn’t sure if that was such a good thing anymore. Maybe now she was just holding onto something she should let go. She really hated this inner battle she seemed to be having very frequently. It was getting to the point where she was actually considering just paying attention to the lecture. In the end though, Jade started to reflect on those old memories. She just loved those memories.


Even though it started out like this, Jade didn’t really feel ashamed of it at all. She was at a house party, which totally wasn’t her thing. If Jade was going to drink, she wanted to do it only around close friends she could trust. She knew with big parties (like the one she was currently at), anything could happen. She could be jumping out of a window in five minutes in order to flee from the police or an unexpected arrival from a parent.

Jade was being too wary though, and her older sister Jesy was trying to get her to relax. Jesy was only two years older than Jade, and she was back on a little vacation from uni. Jesy knew of a party that a couple of her old friends from school would be attending, and she knew that current students from that school would be there as well. That school of course is where Jade was attending now. Jesy figured she would take Jade and let her mingle with kids from her school.

Jade had been sitting at home. That had been it really. Jade had just been sitting. Jade had just gotten into a big fight with her group of friends and she had found herself planless on a Friday night, which was something that never happened.

Jesy had hastily told Jade to throw on something cute and then ten minutes later they were out the door and then fifteen minutes after that they had arrived at this house.

Jade had been drinking a very minimal amount of alcohol, her apprehension about the situation making her nervous to lose complete control. But after enough coaxing from Jesy, Jade had taken a few shots. Jesy, being satisfied that Jade had taken a couple of shots, then left to go reunite with some old friends.

That had been the trigger, and soon enough, Jade had downed a couple of more shots. She was definitely drunk at this point, but she was still semi-aware of what was going on around her.

Soon enough, Jade was in a large room, swaying and grinding on a bunch of sweaty bodies. Jade realized she hadn’t had this much fun in a while. She would have to thank Jesy later.

This was the part of the memory though that made her question whether she should thank Jesy for dragging her along, or curse her sister forever.

As the bodies swayed to the bass of the music, she felt hands attach to her hips, pulling her in closer. Jade didn’t think anything of it because it had already happened so many times that night. She simply just pushed herself up against the person and ground her backside into thier hips.

If Jade hadn’t been drunk, she would have realized that she was grinding on a girl. But Jadewas drunk, so it didn’t even register to her that there was a girl behind her, not a boy. The hands that were slowly moving from her hips to the front of her pelvic area were small and delicate. That was the first hint. The second hint was that by now, Jade still didn’t feel a hard-on pressed to her backside.

Obviously Jade didn’t pick up on those hints, so she didn’t protest at all when those hands had dipped slightly under the waistband of her jeans. She should have noticed that the fingers were petite and slender, but she was drunk.

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