Chapter 20. (Finale)

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•I can't wait•
~Your POV~

"Y/n? Oh my god, Y/n!"

I shifted in my bed, shooting up, causing the book to fall from my face.

"Get out of my room, you little twat!" I threw my pillow at the boy, "I'm telling mom! You're the one who stayed up until four in the morning!" Timothy whined.

Once again, I stayed awake all night reading one of mom's stories.

I'm going to be late for school again, I just get so caught up in this imaginary world with my imaginary boyfriend.

Mom put in some of my real friends, but I've always desired to meet the fake boy, I don't know where my mother got the idea of Finn, but I love it!

Well, my mom is a bit of a helicopter parent, but that never really seemed to be on my nerves, she's much worse with Tim than she ever was with me.

Then again, He's a fucking sheep, it's like he's in a forever loop of copy the leader, he's done more in his life than I ever have.

I know that you're probably confused, in my stories Timothy is older than I am, but in reality he's not, I always wanted an older brother, so mom gave me one, even if he's a fictional one!

Let's cut to the chase, basically my whole life is based around my fictional world.

That explains why I'm still a virgin, and why I don't have a real boyfriend, possibly also the reason that all my 'friends' take advantage of me,
I'm pretty sure it isn't why I'm bullied.

Anyways, moving on.

I got out of bed and limped down the stairs, I recently broke my leg, the doctors told me that I wasn't allowed to walk without my crutches, but I do it anyway.

"You excited for school, hun?" My mother asked, looking up from her phone.


"Yeah, mom, I can't wait!" I smiled, in my world I don't go to school, in real life I have to.

I hopped into the bathroom and got undressed, I grabbed a plastic bag and pulled it up over my cast, I tied it before getting into the shower.

I let the hot water run over my face for a moment, my mind wandered back to an all too well known place.

Finn Wolfhard.

What if he was real?

Would he be everything I have imagined him to be?

Would he be sweet and smiley?

Could he love me in the way that I love him?

I just wish to know of his wild, messy, unstable curls.

Too bad he's made up.

I washed my hair and then my body.

Turning off the taps and stepping out of the shower, I grabbed my towel, drying my legs first and removing the bag that covered my cast.

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now