Chapter 16.

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•If all else fails, try, try again•
~Finn's POV~

I collected photos, movies, shows, books, snacks, songs. Anything to help her remember, what if she doesn't want to try and remember? Of course she'll want to remember! I'd want to remember!

Buzz, buzz, BUZZZZZZZZZ.
My phone vibrated, I answered, "Y'ello?" I asked, my attention was more on the memories that passed my mind, "Finn? Can you come over?" I heard Y/n whisper though the phone, "I FOUND A KITTY, Y/N!" I heard someone slur, loudly. "JACK DYLAN GRAZER! THAT IS A FUCKING POSSUM! NO! DON'T TOUCH IT! FINN, PLEASE?" She screamed, I hung up and started getting ready.

~Your POV~

It was past ten, who in the world would be knocking? I walked down the stairs, I have no idea where my mom is, I opened the door to be standing face to face with Jack, "HEY, BABY GIRL!" He screeched, the scent of alcohol wafted off his breath, "Jack? What are you doing here?" I chuckled, dragging him inside, "Weeeeeeell, I was going- I was walking around -I went out with Wyatt, because Finn 'apparently' has a life and has better things to be doing.- So, I thought 'Hey! I know a hot babe who may let me chill ouuuutt' and here I am." He slightly slurred his words but he seemed to be speaking English that I can understand.

"If you need me, call, or text, or whatever."

What Finn said played over my thoughts, do I call him? Would he be annoyed?

"Do want a glass of water?" I asked the man -I should say boy- that stood just ahead of my position, he nodded, "But I need something from you- something before you get the water. So- so, come here, bay-bee." He cooed, I laughed and shook my head. "And what would that be, Honey?" I cooed back.

He cupped my face, pulled me in, and touched his lips with mine. I pushed him away from me as hard as I could, causing him to hit the ground, "What the actual fuck? Who the fucking fuck do you think you are? What part of your twisted mind thought you can just kiss me? You cannot fucking cheat on a girl and then just kiss her!" I shouted at him.

I remembered something!

I fucking remembered something!

I have to tell someone!

I sighed and offered him my hand, he accepted it and allowed me to pull him up, "Sorry.." we both apologised in unison, I walked away from the awkward situation. And I did the only thing I thought would be a good idea at the time...

I called Finn...

(This is a filler chapter. I wish to apologise for my absence, I've been extremely busy (Due to the fact that I'm moving house.) and I've been thinking about this story. I'm afraid to inform you that Butterfly Kisses is coming to an end, I have loved writing these small chapters, but everything has to end at some point.)

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now