Chapter 12.

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Not yours, Grazer•

~Your POV~

"Uh, Jack? Is that your name?" I asked slightly confused to who else it could be, "Correctamundo, shortcake!" (Hehe, it was Jack.) I cringed at the nickname he gave me, I forced his arms off of me -causing him to let out a little groan- "I have a breakfast to attend, okay?" I smiled apologetically. "Is he bothering you.... again?" Finn came out of nowhere, like some clown in a horror movie. I shook my head 'No' and giggled, Finn walked over to us. He's taller than Jack and I, much taller than me, less taller than Jack. He's taller than Grazer by 4, 5, inches? Both of the boys pegged one another out, it looked as if they were fighting with their eyes and eyebrows.

"So, we better get going, Finn!" I said breaking their stare, he smiled at me "Yeah, of course! Can I just talk to this one for a moment?" He spoke in a sweet little voice, I couldn't help myself, I smiled back and nodded -walking away from them-

~Finn's POV~

I watched her walk away, "Back the fuck up!" I growled through my gritted teeth. "I'll do as I please! She likes me, you she's-" I cut him off, he didn't deserve to speak, "Not yours, Grazer! You were the one who fucked up, not me, not Y/n, not anyone, except for you!" I spat back, he looked down and frowned, I walked out the room -not giving him another glance- "Ready to go?" I ask Y/n, she jumps up from her seat and eagerly nods, she put her phone in her pocket and runs to the front door.

God, she drives me crazy.

Her smile makes the sun look dull and boring.

I lose myself in her e/c eyes every time I see them.

How I wish her lips were upon mine.

"Finn?" I s(ch)napped Out of my trance when I heard her beautiful voice, "Hm?" I hummed in response. "A-Are you coming?" She asked, I walked over and threw my arm over her shoulders, a smile plastered on both of our faces as we walked to the car. I opened the door for her, gesturing for her to enter the vehicle, "M'lady?" I said in a -horrible- posh British accent, she curtsied with the air, "Why, Thank you, kind, Sir!" She responded and laughed, she got into the car. I closed her door and got into the drivers' seat, "OFF WE GOOOOOOO" Y/n yelled loudly.

Have I ever told you, how much I love you?

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now