Chapter 4.

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•Bad For Me•
~Gaten's POV~

Finn was in Y/n's room in a matter of milliseconds, Millie, Noah and I followed him after a minute. We stopped at the door before going in, just listening to Finn talk to her. "I love everything about you. I will wait every single second for you, and you will come back. You always do..." He whispered through his tears, we walked in and Finn kissed Y/n's hand. Y/n was covered it bruises, cuts and bandages, I sat on the couch next to Finn, I petted his back. "I'm going to miss her, Gaten..." Finn said between sniffles, "I know, but she'll be okay! I mean you're here, you always make Her feel better." I smiled softly, but it was also reassuring.

~Time skip to 12:31am~

~Finn's POV~

A nurse entered the room and looked at the four of us, "I'm really sorry, but if you aren't a direct family member you will have to leave. Visiting hours start at 9am." We all nodded. "I'm her brother..." I said instead of leaving the room, she told me it's okay for me to stay as long as I don't get loud until opening hours. I thanked her and sat back next to Y/n, I checked the time on my phone and seen I had an unread message. It was from Sadie, 'I'm breaking up with you, Finn! I see you have someone who means more than I do! Have a great life without me, Finn!' I didn't even text back, I couldn't deal with her right now. I held Y/n's hand in mine and started playing the song she is most addicted to at the moment, 'Weak' by AJR.

"'No, thank you!' Is what I should've said, I should be in bed, but temptations of trouble on my tongue, troubles yet to come.

One sip, bad for me.
One hit, bad for me.
One kiss, bad for me, but I give in so easily. And no thank you is how it should've gone, I should be strong.

But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that. But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that. But I'm weak, and what's wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that.
(Boy, oh boy I love ya when I fall for that.)"

I sung along to the music, she loves when I sing for her. I kissed her cheek and sunk into my chair, I was still holding her hand. I'm gonna miss her so much, but she will come back. And when she does, I am going to be waiting!

In the next chapter there's going to be a major time leap, just a heads up. I know this was a pretty horrible chapter, and I'm sorry, but my day was really rushed.

Butterfly Kisses. •Finn Wolfhard• ✔Where stories live. Discover now