At this point though, Jade was done waiting for Perrie to do anything. Perrie actually did a whole lot of nothing now. When Jade realized that, she just knew she was going to have to be the one to end things, and for the first time ever, she was perfectly okay with that.


Jade didn’t know this, but when Perrie had left her alone earlier that day, Perrie had simply driven her car down the street and around the corner. She had parked the car so that it was disguised by a couple of trees, but still gave Perrie a decent view of the house she shared with Jade.

Perrie just sort of had a gut feeling that Jade would want to get out of the house after she had left, so she hadn’t bothered to ask any of her friends to get Jade out of the house as a distraction.

Perrie did know Jade incredibly well after all. They had been dating for two years and three months now. They lived together. Perrie was in love with Jade. Jade offered up any information possible about herself, plus Perrie spent so much time around Jade that she could basically predict every single one of Jade’s actions. Perrie loved how she could get that close with a person. She loved how that person was Jade.

Perrie smiled to herself when Jade walked out of their front door not even ten minutes later. She watched as Jade wandered aimlessly down the street. Perrie waited until Jade was out of her sight before she drove the car back up their driveway and went back inside.

Perrie wasn’t sure how long Jade planned on being out for, so she decided to try to get everything done as soon as possible. She left the entry room, living room, dining room, kitchen, and hallways all exactly how they always were. She remembered she needed to make a phone call, so she pulled out her phone and found the number she needed and dialed it.

“Hi, it’s Perrie. You can come over now,” she said into the phone. When the person on the other end confirmed that they were leaving soon, Perrie hung up and made her way to the bedroom she shared with Jade.

Before Perrie got to work, she walked over to Jade’s side of the bed, which was closest to the glass sliding door that led out to the balcony. Jade had demanded that she had this side of the bed because she wanted to be able to look out that door at all different times of the day.

Jade loved gazing into the sky, and all of its possible colors always fascinated her. Perrie loved watching Jade’s eyes glaze over as she looked at the morning sunrise or an especially clear, starry night. Plus, Perrie just loved Jade and couldn’t say no, so she had obviously let Jade have that side of the bed without putting up a fight.

Perrie smiled to herself because that memory of the conversation with Jade was already over a year and a half old. It amazed Perrie the amount of time she had been able to spend with Jade, but even all that time still didn’t feel like enough. Sometimes Perrie thought an entire life time with Jade wouldn’t be enough. She just really loved being with Jade.

Perrie leaned down to Jade’s pillow and inhaled deeply. Jade’s pleasant scent filled Perrie’s nostrils and she felt her heart swell. She really hadn’t been that close to Jade lately to be able to smell her girlfriend’s intoxicating scent. She missed having the smell just wrap all around her.

Now that Perrie felt all happy and content, she went under the bed and pulled out the box she had underneath. It held pretty much everything she needed to set everything up perfectly. It had taken Perrie quite some time now to get all of this and manage to store it underneath the bed without making Jade suspicious.

Perrie knew that she hasn’t been completely successful at keeping Jade unaware though, because she could tell Jade was getting frustrated with her distant act lately. She was glad that would finally be over now. She could act as loved up with Jade now as she wanted because the final stages of Perrie’s plan were finally being set in motion.

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