Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage

Confronting the Faceless

A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

Advanced Rune Translation

1 Wand

1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an Owl OR a Cat OR a Toad.

I kept staring at the sheet for a while in confusion. 'These guys are weird' I thought. I looked up to see that I was next to a store called Folushri nda Botlst. 'Stupid dyslexia' I thought. I looked in the window to see it was filled with books so I guessed it was a book store.

I walked in to have a man walk up to me. "Can I help you find anything?" He asked.

"Um yeah. Do you have the year six books in Greek?" I asked.

He looked at me weirdly and said, "Only in Ancient Greek."

"That's perfect!"

He lead me to a wall where every book was in Ancient Greek. I bought the books I needed and got out quick. I hated book shops.

I stuck to the looking in the windows method because it would take me days to try to read the signs. I bought my robes and the lady thought it was weird that I was in year six and didn't have a house, whatever that was, so I told her I was an exchange student. I bought all of the other supplies and was on my way to get a wand when I passed a group of kids standing outside a shop window.

I was taller than all of the kids so I could look over them to see what they were looking at. It was a broom. You could tell there was something special about it. I couldn't read the name on the handle or the sign next to it but hopefully a kid next to me would read it out loud. As if hearing my thoughts a scrawny boy next to me with black hair and round glasses standing with a tall redhead started reading the sign out loud.

"The Firebolt 3000 is the newer and better version of the Firebolt. Equipped with the latest in flying technology. Instead of manually turning you only need to think of the direction you want to go because the Firebolt 3000 is in touch with your thoughts. You only need to think faster and it will go faster, think dive and it will dive. This is not only a broom but an extension of the rider. This baby is faster than than sound and hex proof. It's impossible to sabotage." The kid read.

"Blimey Harry! It's better than your Firebolt! I heard it's internationally ranked as number one! Are you gonna get one?" The redhead kid next to him asked.

"No, that thing must cost a fortune and then some. Besides I do great on my Firebolt." With that the two kids walked away.

'There is no way I'm getting on that thing! Zeus would blast me out of the sky.' I thought. I continued walking, looking in the windows for a sign of wands. I looked in a window and saw a dusty old room with thin boxes stacked on shelves and wands on the counter. I walked in and a little bell chimed announcing my arrival.

An old man walked out from behind one of the shelves and when he saw me he gasped.

"Tom told me you would be coming but it is a fantastic surprise that you are hear Mr. Jackson! Call me Olivander, I'm a son of Hecate. I am most honored to have you in my shop."

I smiled. "Call me Percy. It's nice to meet you."

"Now what is your wand arm?" He asked.

I looked at him blankly. "Um, well I hold a sword with my right arm if that's what you mean."

Demigods at Hogwarts (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now