"Go quick before I change my mind" He mumbled, I hoped he was joking but to be sure I quickly pulled open his door and jumped out of the car.

There was so much I wanted to say to her, ask her and it would give me another opportunity to ring my family. Tell them I was finally okay that for the first time in months I felt happy.

"Hey! No kiss for that?" Fours hand gripped my own stopping me from moving any further. I turned to see a smile played on his face as I leaned down quickly placing my lips on his only for a second as I pulled away my lips tingling.

I quickly turned around and began running towards the house I thought I'd never enter again hearing Fours laugh in the distance as I got further away.


I smiled at my grandma as she poured another cup of tea into my mug that had already been refilled four times in the last hour as she shovelled as many treats into me as she could.

It was now dark outside and after hours of just endless conversations, crying , talking and some more crying we had finally both calmed ourselves down and began to eat dinner not that I was hungry from the amount of cookies she basically shoved down my throat.

"That day Dylan brought you to meet me broke my heart, I wanted to pull you back of course and when you started crying all I wanted to do was comfort you but I knew it would make things worse. I knew that the only place for you was with Four, it gave me comfort knowing you were safe" She continued her story as she proceeded to scoop too many spuds on my plate.

She knew about the whole werewolf thing, which I already assumed days ago when I was thinking about how my whole life was a lie. She had grown up here, had my dad here and basically grown up with wolves. That confirmed the fact that my parents knew which I kind of hoped they didn't but I guess they already did.

"We knew it was a risk letting a teenager come here but I thought that there was a slim chance of you finding a mate or even having a mate. I thought if you didn't go to their territory then you would be safe I should have kept a closer eye on you" Grandmas voice wobbled once more as she sat down across from me.

My eyes stung from the amount of crying I had done, firstly when I first seen her I burst into tears, then a little while later when I called my parents and got to speak to Kyle and now.

"It's not your fault, he would have found me sometime" I attempted to lighten the mood, I knew I had only a little while left and so I didn't want to spend it crying.

She gave me a weak smile before wiping her eyes as she dived into another conversation her eyes lightening up as she talked about the latest Kardashian drama, I just hoped that this would be a regular thing.


I sighed pushing my wet locks out of my face as I ran the brush threw my hair, I had now took a shower and felt less disgusting as I tried to steer my mind away from his hands touching my body.

My clothes that I brought from England were still packed in the suitcase in the same exact spot as I'd left it. I would now be finally able to wear clothes my own size and not constantly borrow Fours massive t shirts.

I pulled on my jeans, these defiantly were not missed but I liked the way I had clothes that fitted me so I wasn't going to complain. I then pulled on one of my jumpers I had packed tucking it in as I closed the suitcase up again.

"Hey" The familiar voice of Four made me jump as I span around to see his large frame leaning in the doorframe.

I smiled although I didn't feel like smiling, I wanted to stay here with grandma there was still so much I wanted to talk about and I needed to spend more time talking to my family. But I knew I couldn't say anything, I didn't want to risk any future opportunities.

I was grateful to him for this, I needed this. It showed that his words weren't just empty, he was going to try give me more freedom, he was going to treat me like an adult and not a child.

His eyes glanced towards the suitcase before he made his way into the room picking it up effortlessly. It was filled with clothes as I packed two months worth of outfits that I never got to wear.

"I'm going to miss seeing you wearing my t shirts all the time" He smirked holding out his hand for me to grab.

I started at it before looking up to his face, he was changing and that's all that mattered. That once cold stone man who stared at me with a hardest expression wasn't there anymore, it was the real Four and for that I grabbed his hand.

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