Chapter Eleven: No More Secrets

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Harry sat down at the small desk in his room a week later and took out some parchment to write a letter to Hermione. He could have called her, but this seemed like the thing to do. There had been so many times he had told her he would owl her and he hadn't because of his relatives. Now he would.

Dear Hermione,

How is the homework coming along? I've begun working on mine which I'm sure surprises you and makes you happy. I know you don't like having to remind Ron and me to do it ahead of time. I know both of us appreciate all the help you do, fixing our mistakes.

I'm really sorry again about the stupid prank Dora and I pulled on you. I know you said you forgave me. Just know that I still feel terrible about it. Hopefully you aren't still mad about it. You probably aren't. You always were quick to forgive me for being dense.

I liked your idea of us studying together. Would it be alright if I stopped by tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out after we are done studying? There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.

Well, Hedwig seems to be getting impatient for me to give her something, so I'll just end it here.

Your best friend,


He folded the letter into an envelope and handed it to Hedwig along with a treat. She hooted in delight at the treat and being able to fly again. With a great flap of her wings, she was gone.

Harry spent another morning at Gringotts with Gruknot. The magic was beginning to flow through him easier each day and he was learning more about the incredible feats that wandless wizards had performed in the past. One had fended off ten Dark Wizards at once although he lost his right arm in the battle. Another used his wandless magic for research and discovered six healing spells, the Bubblehead Charm and temporarily reanimated three bodies which he called Inferi.

Despite the long days, Harry still looked forward to learning and hoped that it would be enough to avoid any other accidental magic. Gruknot had been teaching him Occlumency as well to help him keep control of his emotions and build up defenses against any invasion of his mind.

Harry had just sat down at his desk after a grueling day at Gringotts when Hedwig floated down to rest on his shoulder, a letter from Hermione in her talon. Harry quickly opened it after giving Hedwig a treat.

Dear Harry,

You know me so well. I'm about halfway through the summer homework, but I've hit a snag on the DADA portion. Maybe you can help me with it, because the book seems to contradict itself. I would love for us both to be able to study together. Would you be able to come over today or is that too soon? I know you mentioned tomorrow, but I'd like to see you today if your schedule works.

As for the incident from last week, don't worry about it. You're right about me being quick to forgive. I think this especially applies to you. Ron seems to be driven to dig his own grave. It still hurts that you did that to me, but it's fading. I'm sure I won't feel anything more about it in another week. I do really accept your apology so don't beat yourself up about it.

I hope you don't have bad news to share with me. That doesn't mean you shouldn't tell me. Just know that I worry about you. I'm really looking forward to seeing you today or tomorrow, whichever is convenient.

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