Chapter Two: A Meeting With Dumbledore

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Author's Note: Everything in bold is directly from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This is to hopefully avoid confusion or messing up the dialogue. There shouldn't be much more once the events of Chamber of Secrets are over. This chapter has a lot from CoS, but it was necessary to set up the rest of the story.

"Alright, Mr. Potter, you're free to go," Madam Pomfrey announce.

Harry threw himself off the bed and dashed out of the Hospital Wing.

"Come back if you feel anything strange!" she called after him.

He made his way to the Great Hall, carrying his dirty robes with him. A glance down at his pants and shoes made realize that they probably smelled like a dank old chamber would smell after not being opened much for 1,000 years.

Upon nearing the Griffandor table, his eyes found Ron and the red-haired boy paled when he saw him. The bushy-haired girl opposite him turned to see what he was looking at and her face blossomed into a wide grin.

"Harry!" she gave him a quick hug before he sat down.

"Look mate," Ron began. "I'm sorry I didn't come see you when you were in there. I just—"

"Forget about it," Harry interrupted with a shrug.

The rest of the meal was eaten with little silence as Ron and Hermione filled him in on Dumbledore's announcement that all students, Mrs. Norris and Sir Nicholas were back to their normal selves.

"Guess he didn't want to mention anything about the basilisk," Harry grumbled.

"Well the parents are gonna be scared enough as it is," Ron reminded him. "If Dumbledore says that the monster has been dealt with, they'll take it for that. I mean, he's Dumbledore."

"He's still human," Hermione put in.

Harry gave her a grateful smile. "I've still got to talk to him later."

Hermione chewed her bottom lip.

"Don't worry. I've called down a lot. I know I was out of line even if he is keeping things from me. I'll apologize."

The witch gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand. "That's very mature of you, Harry. I'm glad you're keeping a handle on your emotions especially considering what happened."

"What happened?"

Harry glanced at Hermione, surprised she hadn't told Ron. It was nice that she had kept this little secret from him if only to spare him some embarrassment from his other best friend. It's not like Ron had accidental magic in front of the Headmaster.

"I got really mad when I woke up and Dumbledore wouldn't tell me things about what was going on. I lost control of my magic but Hermione calmed me down."

"Blimey. Glad I didn't show up then. You might've been cheesed off at me too."

"Yea, there was already a crowd there," Hermione said.

"Thanks for reminder." Harry saw Dumbledore walk away from the staff table and stood up to follow him.

"Herbology start in fifteen minutes. Make sure you get a note from Dumbledore if you're going to be late."

He gave her half a wave. That was Hermione—always making sure he got out of trouble. This made him remember that Dumbledore had told him and Ron that if they got into any more trouble, they would be expelled. Dumbledore wouldn't really expel him, would he? Not after he had just saved the school from Slytherin's monster.

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